Chemistry - Calculating Percentage Solutions
Everything chemistry and bioscience students need to know about percentage solutions but were afraid to ask...
Having trouble with percentage solutions?
Don't know your w/v from your w/w?
If you are struggling with percentage solutions, then this course is for you!
In this course, you learn about the different types of percentage solutions you may find or be asked to make in a lab. The course will cover percentage weight by volume (w/v), percentage volume by volume (v/v) and percentage weight by weight (w/w) solutions, and how to calculate the amount of a substance you need. You will also get see how the different types of percentage solutions are made up in the lab.
This course is for you if you struggle with questions such as "How many grams of NaCl do you need to make 10 ml of a 5% (w/v) solution?" or "What is the percentage weight by weight of a solution consisting of 5 g of glycerol mixed with 60 g of water?"
The course comes with three quizzes to test your understanding of the three different types of percentage solutions, and by the end of the course you will be able to:
Calculate the number of grams of a compound needed to make up a percentage weight by volume (w/v) solution
Calculate the weight by volume (w/v) percentage for a solution
Calculate the number of grams of a compound needed to make up a percentage weight by weight (w/w) solution
Calculate the weight by weight (w/w) percentage for a solution
Calculate the number of millilitres of a solution you will need to make up percentage volume by volume (v/v) solution
Calculate the volume by volume (v/v) percentage for a solution
And you will have seen how to make the solutions up in the lab.
The course also comes with an eBook (epub/pdf) that outlines key information about percentage solutions and includes additional worked examples.
What You Will Learn!
- This course is for biology, biomedical sciences, and chemistry students that need to learn how to calculate percentage solutions.
- On this course, you will learn how to calculate weight by volume (w/v) percentage solutions.
- On this course, you will learn how to calculate weight by weight (w/w) percentage solutions.
- On this course, you will learn how to calculate volume by volume (v/v) percentage solutions.
Who Should Attend!
- The course is targeted at undergraduate and post-graduate biology, biomedical sciences, medical and chemistry students.