Coding practice quiz for beginners

Test your knowledge of coding concepts by taking the practice quiz

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What is coding?

The process of designing and creating various sets of computer programmes in order to achieve a particular computing goal is known as coding. The process includes a number of tasks, including analysis, coding, algorithm design, accuracy testing, and resource usage analysis. To solve a particular problem on a computer, a set of instructions must be found using computer programming.

If done properly, coding is fairly simple. Selecting the best programming language is a difficult undertaking because there are numerous programming languages for computers.

Basics of coding

The most widely used and recognised human language is English. There are certain grammatical rules for the English language that must be adhered to while writing in that language.

In a similar vein, all other human languages (such as German, Spanish, Russian, etc.) are composed of a variety of words such as nouns, adjectives, adverbs, propositions, and conjunctions. Programming languages therefore have a variety of components, much like English, Spanish, and other human languages.

Programming languages adhere to syntax, which is the same grammar as that found in human languages. There are some fundamental parts of every programming language's source code that are the same.

The key elements of coding languages are:

  • Coding environment

  • Data types

  • Variables

  • Operators

  • Conditional statements

  • Loops

  • Functions

Take this test to cement your knowledge of basic coding

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand purpose of code
  • Understand the key coding concepts such as variables, loops and conditions.
  • Understand the types of coding languages and their purposes
  • Take this quiz to cement your knowledge of coding.

Who Should Attend!

  • Just started with coding and want to test your progress?
  • This test is designed to evaluate your understanding of basic coding concepts such as data types, variables, operators, loops and conditional statements.
  • Test is suitable for middle and high school students.