The Complete Python Course 2023 - Beginners to Advanced!

Learn Python from Scratch - All Fundamental Programming Skills Transferable to any Language and Advanced Python Features

Ratings: 4.46 / 5.00


In this course you will learn all of the FUNDAMENTAL programming techniques used within all programming languages to help you create AMAZING and EFFICIENT code! You will also learn AUTOMATION with Python by sending emails, reading and writing excel and text documents, as well as controlling the keyboard and mouse automatically!

  • Do you want to learn all the fundamental programming techniques quickly and effectively?

  • No more rummaging through YouTube videos, documentation and random stack-overflow posts to find the information you crave. This course gives you instant access to everything you need to know to get programming in Python, and puts it all right at your fingertips!

  • This comprehensive, in-depth and meticulously prepared course is going to teach you everything you need to know to program in Python! A - Z, it's all here!

This course is great for those who haven't programmed before, you guys will be given detailed video tutorials of each programming structure and we will implement these structures into several problems and coding exercises throughout the course.

We will also take a look at some awesome fun things you can do with Python, we will be learning to:

  • Program the computer to draw - PyAutoGUI

  • Send and receive emails with Python

  • Take information from a website and make use of it in a program - Web Scraping

  • And much more!

What can you do with all this Python knowledge?

Python is HOT right now. The demand in the IT job market for Python skills keeps growing and growing. If you're looking to get into programming as a career, level-up your existing career or open up new doors in the IT field, you really need to learn Python!

Perfect for Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac, the Web and More!

Once you've completed this course you'll know how to write programs that will run on the Linux, Mac, and Windows operating systems. You can even take what you've learned and apply it web applications.

The Parts of the Course:

Part 1

We will take a look at fundamental programming techniques

  • Print Statements and Indentation

  • Data Types and Variables

  • Lists

  • Arithmetic Operators

  • Using Operators with Strings and Lists

  • String Formatting

  • String Operations

  • If, Else and Elif

  • Conditional Operators

  • For Loops

  • While Loops

  • Break and Continue Statements

  • Else Clause with Loops

  • Functions

  • Classes and Objects

  • Dictionaries

  • Modules

Part 2

We will create a GUI (Graphical User Interface) with Tkinter. You will be able to use Python to develop applications for computers to make use of. From this you will be able to launch your own applications online and on the Mac App Store.

Part 3

We will learn file handling. This section teaches some really useful things such as reading and writing Excel files and Text files on notepad (windows) or textedit (mac)!

Part 4

In this section of the course we will be tackling some more advanced Python skills. We will begin by taking a look at GUI Automation and controlling the mouse and keyboard with Python as well as drawing with Python code. We will also learn how to take screenshots with some code. The next advanced feature will be web scraping which involves extracting data from various websites to use within your code, an example of this would be taking data for various properties which can be taken from several websites and compared to find the cheapest price. This is a very widely used feature within the realms of programming and is a very good skill to have. One of the other amazing advanced features we will be learning is how to send and receive emails and automate this process. We will also be looking at Regex (Regular Expressions) which is a feature used within several programming languages and is a very great advanced skill to have. We will be going through each of these advanced skills step by step and in detail to ensure you guys understand what is going on.

  • GUI Automation

  • Web Scraping

  • Regex (Regular Expressions)

  • Sending and Receiving Emails

Part 5

We will be implementing our skills into 5 challenging problems from Project Euler which will get your mind thinking in a more computational sense! This will teach you mathematical skills and how to link these to programming.

Our Goal

By the end of this course you will have learnt all of the fundamental programming techniques and will have become a pretty advanced programmer. Having learnt all of these new skills you can now go on to programming in the real world continuously building upon your knowledge! And with each video accurately planned and recorded I don't waste your time, instead I teach you everything quick enough so you can easily understand it and go design!

You will be ready to delve deeper into the realms of machine learning and artificial intelligence as well as earn money from programming as a freelancer after having learning how to automate several tasks with Python.

Get a Certificate of Completion when you finish the course!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Will I get support if I get stuck?

Yes, feel free to ask any questions and I will get back to you within 48 hours. If possible, try to use resources like StackOverflow or other online resources to figure out the needed solution, 50% of programming is problem solving and how to tackle any issues you encounter!

Does this course cover Python 2 or Python 3?

Python 3

Does this course expire?

No, this course is always yours and will continuously be updated to stay relevant to new changes in Python

What You Will Learn!

  • Acquire the skills to develop your Python knowledge further and move into specific branches such as Data Science or Machine Learning
  • We will tackle 5 challenging mathematical problems by programming solutions to figure out the answers
  • Be able to load and use data from Excel and TXT files in Python
  • Create a graphical user interfaces for your Python programs using the Python Tkinter library
  • Write a complete Python program that takes user input, processes and outputs the results
  • Write Python programs that can be used on Linux, Mac, Windows and Unix operating systems
  • Develop and understand complex and intricate code to perform certain tasks

Who Should Attend!

  • Students that want to learn all of the key aspects of programming
  • For People Who want to learn Python Fundamentals and later transition into Data Science or Web Development
  • For Complete Programming Beginners
  • For People New to Python
  • Those who want to become a highly paid Python developer.
  • Those who want to open up doors in your IT career by learning one of the world's most popular and in-demand programming language: Python.