Learn Software Testing : Beginner to Expert.

A Software Testing Bootcamp for beginners aiming to shape their careers in Software Testing and Quality Assurance (QA)

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Welcome to the "Comprehensive Software Testing Bootcamp: Empowering Testers" ! Whether you're starting from scratch or aiming to enhance your skills in Quality Assurance (QA), this course is designed to cater to beginners and aspiring professionals . No prior programming background is required; just a few hours of commitment each week will lead you to gain a deep understanding of software testing, transforming you into a matured QA professional by the end of the journey.

What Sets This Course Apart?

Led by an experienced industry practitioner committed to your success, this course offers a unique blend of theory and hands-on practice. I believe in making learning enjoyable and engaging, fostering a supportive community where students can succeed. The course structure ensures a seamless learning experience including practical insights that prepare you for real-world challenges in the software testing landscape.

On finishing each module you can test your knowledge & understanding with a Level Up Quiz.

Upon enrollment, you'll gain exclusive access to an application designed for manual testing, test automation, performance testing, and API testing. This personalized platform ensures a seamless learning experience, allowing you to practice and apply your skills in a real-world context.

Course Overview:

  1. Introduction

    1. What sets this course apart? Why choose me as your instructor? - My commitment to you.

    2. Have fun - This course wasn't created in a Day. - Join the Community - Explanation of the course structure and format

  1. Overview of Software Testing & the Industry

    1. What is Testing & Why is it Important ?

    2. Overview of Testing Market & opportunities for us

    3. Tester, QA, SDET & Testing vs QA Explained

    4. How Software Testing Is aligned in organizations.

    5. Module Quiz

  1. Software Lifecycles & What matters to QA

    1. SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) Explained

    2. STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle) Explained

    3. Defect Lifecycle Explained

    4. Verification, Validation , Assertions Explained

    5. Module Quiz

  1. Types of Software Testing

    1. Types of Software Testing Explained

    2. Overview of Functional Testing

    3. Overview of Non-Functional Testing

    4. Module Quiz

  1. Understanding Functional Testing

    1. Integration Testing

    2. Smoke & Sanity Testing

    3. System Testing

    4. Regression Testing

    5. User Acceptance Testing

    6. Globalization & Localization Testing

    7. Module Quiz

  1. Non-Functional Testing Explained

    1. Performance Testing

    2. Security Testing

    3. Usability Testing

    4. Compatibility Testing

    5. Module Quiz

  1. Test Strategy & components of Testing Lifecycle

    1. Test Strategy

    2. Workshop on Test Strategy

    3. Requirements

    4. Workshop on Requirements

    5. Test Plan

    6. Workshop on Test Plan

    7. Writing Testcases

    8. Workshop on Writing Testcases

    9. Priority & Severity of Tests

    10. Test Execution - Pre Module

    11. Module Quiz

  1. Test Execution

    1. Executing Testcases

    2. Workshop on Executing Testcases

    3. Sanity & Smoke Tests

    4. Test Execution Results & Reporting

    5. Re-Testing & Regression Testing

    6. Module Quiz

  1. Bugs & Defects

    1. Defect Lifecycle

    2. Priority vs Severity of Defects

    3. More on Defects

    4. Workshop on Defects

    5. Module Quiz

  1. More Testing

    1. Test Cycle

    2. Unit Testing

    3. Module Quiz

  1. Test Management

    1. Test Management Overview

    2. TestCases

    3. Test Cycles, Phase & Execution

    4. Tools & Products

  2. Testing yours apps : UI

    1. Manual Testing

    2. Automation Testing Basics

    3. More Automation Testing Basics

    4. UI testing

    5. Automation of UI tests

    6. Module Quiz

  1. Testing your apps : APIs

    1. API Refresher

    2. BookStore App API - Part 1

    3. BookStore App API - Part 2

    4. API Testing Basics

    5. API Documentation and Specifications

    6. API Testing Tools

    7. Module Quiz

  1. Testing your apps : Mobile

    1. Mobile Testing

    2. Automation of Mobile Testing

    3. Module Quiz

  1. Javascript Basics , Node.js & VSCode

    1. why Javascript ?

    2. Variables

    3. Operators

    4. Conditional Statements

    5. Loops

    6. Functions

    7. Arrays

    8. Objects

    9. Async & Await

    10. Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM)

    11. Installation - Node.js & NPM

    12. Installation - VSCode

    13. Module Quiz

  1. Test Automation with Selenium

    1. Overview of Selenium and its use in automated testing

    2. Extensions to find Xpath & Identifiers in Selenium

    3. Install Firefox, Selenium WebDriver & few baby steps

    4. Webpage Interactions

    5. TC001

    6. Node.js Assertions in Selenium

    7. Advanced Assertions - Introduction to Chai

    8. Setting things in order - Modularization of the code

    9. Data-Driven Test Automation with Selenium WebDriver

    10. Working with JavaScript testing framework - Mocha

    11. Building Test Run Reports with Mocha

    12. Adding Screenshots to our Automation Reports with Mochawesome

    13. TC007 - End to End Test

    14. Module Quiz

  1. API Testing & Automation with SoapUI

    1. SoapUI Installation & quick overview

    2. Getting Started with a Project

    3. Getting Started with a Project using swagger definition

    4. Creating Tests from Requests

    5. More Assertions

    6. Exchanging API Response Data & Dynamic Assertions

    7. Introducing Groovy Programming in SoapUI

    8. Running Tests & Doing more with Groovy

    9. API test Automation with Advanced Groovy

    10. TestRunner & Reports in SoapUI

    11. Module Quiz

  1. Performance Testing using Jmeter

    1. Jmeter Installation

    2. Recording a JMeter Test

    3. Fixing the Recorded Test

    4. Adding Parameterization

    5. Running in CLI

    6. Module Quiz

  1. Cross Browser Testing

    1. Browser Tests & Cross Browser Testing

    2. Overview of BitBar

    3. Running Selenium Tests in Bitbar

    4. Module Quiz

  1. Test Management with Zephyr

    1. Introduction to gitpod

    2. Zephyr Enterprise Logistics & Installation

    3. Test Management with Zephyr Enterprise - Part A

    4. Test Management with Zephyr Enterprise - Part B

    5. Module Quiz

What You Will Learn!

  • Master the fundamentals of software testing, encompassing test planning, meticulous test case design and execution, and proficient defect management.
  • Explore advanced testing domains including test automation, performance testing, and API testing, with a focus on integrating these practices seamlessly
  • Delve into continuous testing, Agile, DevOps practices, and diverse software test lifecycle types, optimizing test management for comprehensive proficiency.
  • Engage in real-world projects, utilize a QA-focused app for career development, and access optional 1:1 consulting sessions for personalized guidance.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is tailored for freshers and experienced quality assurance professionals, testers, QA leads, QA managers, and SDETs looking to enhance their skills and advance their careers in the field of software testing.