Computer Science: The Foundation You Didn't Know You Needed

The course that will save you time and frustration if persuing a degree or starting a new job in computer science.

Ratings: 4.41 / 5.00


Welcome to my course on Computer Science! Let's consider two scenarios:

Scenario 1:

You started a new job in computer science (you thought you knew enough to handle it), and in that job you are required to know how to use some aspects of your computer you never knew even existed (e.g., a terminal, a webhook, a particular code editor, etc). You have to learn quickly because the project you were put on needs to be done in 1 month. *PANIC*.

Scenario 2:

You have never programmed anything before, but you decide to start a master's degree in computer science (but your bachelor's degree was in an entirely different field), and the first day the teacher asks you to write a program in C and it's due in 2 weeks. *PANIC*.

Hi, I'm James Michael Ballow, and both of these scenarios happened to me, at nearly the same time. I was nervous, and I felt anxiety and panic. The biggest problem I had was that every time I looked for a book, article, or video that would explain to me the very basics of computing, programming, or languages, nearly all of them began speaking 15 steps ahead of where I needed to start. I was always infuriated that no amount of searching could give me what I wanted. In order to get over this, I had to ask a million questions (sometimes admittedly stupid and embarrassing questions) to colleagues and professors in order to really understand things on a fundamental level.

As I went along in my academic and professional careers, I noticed something: the other students seemed to be struggling with the same thing I was, but because they did not admit their lack of fundamental understanding, their grades were often quite low. That's when it hit me: every single person is struggling with understanding this computer science stuff. This phenomena is best described by me as a "barrier" between the human and computer. This course breaks that barrier.

In this course I tell you about myself and my journey from knowing absolutely nothing about computer science, to getting a 4.0 in my Master's in Computer Science and becoming a practicing software engineer and machine learnist. I will tell you quite plainly how to think about certain concepts so that the concepts that you will learn beyond this course will be much simpler. After taking this course, you will no longer feel like there are a million things you need to learn on your own before you can start your programming, or managing/working on a programming team.

Let's do it!

What You Will Learn!

  • Prevent yourself from falling behind in collegiate lectures and work tasks by developing a solid foundation of computer science topics.
  • Learn to speak the language of computer science by learning new terms/jargon by definition, and in video examples.
  • Learn the things your professors do not teach, like how to use a terminal, a brief history of compute languages, and how your machine operates.
  • Learn how to socialize correctly when working on/with a development team so as to ensure team success.
  • Learn the fundamental things that would otherwise lead you to waste your time peforming hours of online searches.

Who Should Attend!

  • Degree-seeking students (Bachelor's and Master's) in the field of Computer Science who want a quick course to learn the fundamentals of computer science to prevent lagging behind in lecture.
  • Anyone who wishes to change their career field to one in computer science.
  • Engineers who wish to start using computing tools and writing code as part of their career.
  • Anyone who is interested in learning more about their compute machines.