Configure and host website on VPS server with VestaCP

Learn to setup your own VPS server with free SSL certificates, unlimited database, email accounts using VestaCP.

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VestaCP is an open-source hosting control panel, which can be used to manage multiple websites, create and manage email accounts, FTP accounts, MySQL databases, manage DNS records, and more.

Benefits of VestaCP

  • Host Unlimited Websites

  • Install Free SSL Certificates

  • Create unlimited Databases

  • Create unlimited Email Accounts

This course is designed to help you host your website on a VPS server with scratch using VestaCP. Don't know about domain name or hosting? I will help you purchase a domain name and perfect VPS hosting step by step, which makes it easier for you to follow up. There are many small issues that you may face if you are configuring your VPS server for the first time, this course will help you make complex tasks easier and more smooth. You will learn how to raise a VPS server from scratch by installing and configuring VestaCP on the VPS server.

Most of the important commands required for the installation process have been shared along with the lecture to help you grab everything quickly. By taking this course you are going to learn:

  • Introduction to VPS Server and VestaCP

  • Getting Domain Name and VPS Server

  • Installation of VestaCP on VPS Server

  • Looking Into VestaCP Interface(users,web,dns,mail,db,cron,backup)

  • Configure VestaCP(User Accounts, Website, SSL, Email Accounts)

  • Configuration to avoid mail from landing into the SPAM folder

  • Installing WordPress Website

  • Access server files using FileZilla

Start hosting your website on the VPS server by taking this course.

What You Will Learn!

  • Installation and configuration of VestaCP
  • Getting a Domain name and VPS Hosting
  • Exploring VestaCP interfaces
  • Installing SSL certificates
  • Tips to make email authentic and secure
  • Installing WordPress

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner who is interested in learning about VPS hosting
  • Anyone who is interested in learning how to host website on VPS server from scratch using VestaCP
  • Someone who want to migrate from shared web hosting to secure and reliable VPS hosting
  • Website Developers, Network Administrators and Hosting Providers