Connect the Dots: Factor Analysis

Factor extraction using PCA in Excel, R and Python

Ratings: 4.17 / 5.00


 Factor analysis helps to cut through the clutter when you have a lot of correlated variables to explain a single effect.  

This course will help you understand Factor analysis and it’s link to linear regression. See how Principal Components Analysis is a cookie cutter technique to solve factor extraction and how it relates to Machine learning . 

What's covered?

Principal Components Analysis 

  • Understanding principal components
  • Eigen values and Eigen vectors
  • Eigenvalue decomposition
  • Using principal components for dimensionality reduction and exploratory factor analysis. 

Implementing PCA in Excel, R and Python

  • Apply PCA to explain the returns of a technology stock like Apple
  • Find the principal components and use them to build a regression model 

What You Will Learn!

  • Use Principal Components Analysis to Extract Factors
  • Build Regression Models with Principal Components in Excel, R, Python

Who Should Attend!

  • Yep! Data analysts who want to move from summarizing data to explaining and prediction
  • Yep! Folks aspiring to be data scientists
  • Yep! Any business professionals who want to apply Factor analysis and Linear regression to solve relevant problems