Complete Copywriting/Email Course From Zero Knowledge To Pro

Copywriting And Email Markeing//Grow Your Sales & Career With The Power Of Written Words. Access to swipe files/books

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The Basic things you will learn is this course are.

1. Copywriting with practical examples and exercise

2. Email marketing/storytelling  with practical examples and exercise

3. Content marketing, Content writing, Creative writing, and Business writing

3. The concept of Big Idea, the secret to crafting killer headlines,pesuasive lead and irresistible offer.

4. Creation of Emotional attachment with case studies

5. The unchanging psychology of human behaviour

6. Swipe Files, the secrets to making your First $500 online

7. How to position yourself to clients in the US, Australia, UK, UAE and SA

8. The concept of sales funnel

I started with the basics of copywriting  and why copywriting is regarded as a high income skill.

I covered the unchanging psychology of human nature and how you can infuse them in your sales letters.

The principle of influence and persuasion

I covered the Seven elements of a sales letter.  Headlines, Leads, Offer, Urgency, social proof,  Tesmonial ,

How to write emails that will get your audience glued to your content

How to carry out Nurture Sequence, converting cold audience to passionate and addicted customers.

How to package yourself to look sumptuous to your clients and  land your First job online.

How to secure Jobs in LinkedIn and Instagram.

I will attach materials such as

Great leads (the six easiest way to begin a sales letter) by Michael M

Story book like Shoe dog amd Save the cat, scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins, Boron letters by Gary Halbert. Agora publishing swap files.

Links to valuable files that contains email copies and sales letters that brought in millions and billions in sales.

My Job is to solve business problems by providing solutions on demand with some written words.

Honestly, I know what it will mean to you, if you're business can scale up from making 100 sales in a day to making above a thousand sales daily.

This will mean growth and expansion, recognition and more money in the bank.

It is simple, you will learn how to

Write you're ad copy that will make your visitors clicking.

Set up a lead magnet and offer value to your visitors in exchange for their emails and contacts.

You will learn how to qualify your leads by separating the chaffs from grains.

Because they need to trust and love you before they can buy from you.

Hold me by my words, because I will teach you how to craft love affairs and bond(email copy) between you and your prospect to make him fall in love.

Your sales letter will make him buy at will and keep buying and never will he feel that you sold to him.

You will learn how to get more subscribers and up sell them into higher paying customers.

Whether you will be writing an Email copy, a Lift, Space ad, landing page, sales letter, advertorial, blog ad, the soul aim of this course is to equip you with the skill to grow and scale up in your career and business .

you will learn how to assemble winning words through research.

I worked with one of the leading financial institutions in Africa (access bank) for 8 years,

and I was given the following awards and Certificates.

Service Quality Institute Certificate on FEELINGS.

Service quality Institute Certificate on SPEED.

Protege professionals Certificate on office administrations.

Certificate of completion, peer education training course under NYSC Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDs Prevention Project supported by UNICEF.

I am currently providing support resistance to business startups in Nigeria. I assist start ups to set up wining marketing campaigns.

What You Will Learn!

  • Copywriting as a high income skill in high demand across all field of human endavour
  • Basics of copywriting
  • The word secret that every copywriter must always possess/proven and tested words secrets that will persuade your prospect to take action
  • The oldest most effective copywriting formula in history/Formula use by the founding fathers and the authorities in copywriting to drive crazy sales
  • The unchanging psychology of human nature/Human nature is selfish, no one care about your product, I will teach you how copywriters use it to make ungodly money
  • The slave control persuasion techniques and how to apply them in your sales copy/Humans are emotional beings/you will Learn how to create emotional attachment
  • The questions you must answer for your prospect to believe that you alone have the solution to her problem/
  • The secret to squeeze out every dollar from your leads and milk him dry/The different between copywriters making millions and the one begging for job
  • The necessary elements of a sales letter/You will learn how to create Irresistible Headlines, leads and offers and infuse bonus, urgency, social proof/guarantee
  • Research and Email marketing/You will know where to do your research and how to set up your email marketing campaign and write emails that converts
  • How to acquire your first client and make your first $500 online/ You will learn where your client live, where they hang out and the channels for communication
  • How to access swipe files, study them and model your sales letter around them/The secret to making your first money online

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners who wants to learn copywriting and email marketing through application of secrets you will never see in social media
  • Copywriters and freelancers who want to level up and get better in writing sales letters that vomits money on demand
  • Smart and Audacious business people who are at the constant search for new ideas and strategies