The Complete Course of Playwright Automation 2024

Learn Web Testing and Automation in a Professional way. Become an expert in Playwright typescript, from ZERO to HERO!

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Become a Microsoft Playwright professional and learn one of employer's most requested skills nowadays!

This comprehensive course is designed so that students, developers, automation testers, engineers... can learn Playwright from scratch to use it in a practical and professional way. Never mind if you have no experience in the topic, you will be equally capable of understanding everything and you will finish the course with total mastery of the subject.

After several years working as an Engineer, I have realized that nowadays mastering Microsoft Playwright is very necessary in web testing, web automation, or other development applications. Knowing how to use this language can give you many job opportunities and many economic benefits, especially in the world of the development.

The big problem has always been the complexity to perfectly understand Playwright automation requires, since its absolute mastery is not easy. In this course I try to facilitate this entire learning and improvement process, so that you will be able to carry out and understand your own projects in a short time, thanks to the step-by-step and detailed examples of every concept.

With 7.5 exclusive hours of video, this comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned! It includes both practical exercises and theoretical examples to master Playwright. The course will teach you Web Automation Testing in a practical way, from scratch, and step by step.

We will start with the installation needed software on your computer, regardless of your operating system and computer.

Then, we'll cover a wide variety of topics, including:

  • Introduction to Playwright and course dynamics

  • Download and Install the needed software and configuring it

  • General familiarization with the work environment and commands

  • Writing your first Playwright test script and running tests in different browsers

  • Working with selectors, navigating web pages, and using forms and input fields, interactive elements, etc.

  • Implementing pop-ups and alerts, working with iframes, debugging playwright tests or Creating custom page objects

  • Handling flaky tests

  • Paralell test execution with Playwright

  • Integrating Playwright tests with CI/CD pipelines

  • Interacting with web Sockets

  • Capturing network traffic with Playwright

  • Perfomance testing with Playwright

  • Integrating Playwright with other testing tools

  • Mastery and application of absolutely ALL the functionalities of Playwright

  • Practical exercises, complete projects and much more!

In other words, what I want is to contribute my grain of sand and teach you all those things that I would have liked to know in my beginnings and that nobody explained to me. In this way, you can learn to build a wide variety of web automation testing projects quickly and make versatile and complete use of Playwright typescript. And if that were not enough, you will get lifetime access to any class and I will be here to help you.

Learning Microsoft Playwright has never been easier. What are you waiting to join?

What You Will Learn!

  • At the end of the course you will fully master Playwright, for Web Testing and Automation
  • You will be able to build step by step your own Playwright scripts, understanding all the logic and ending with advanced practical examples and projects
  • You will become familiar with the work environment, essential commands, and you will master all the phases of the scripting
  • You will work with with selectors, navigate web pages, and use forms and input fields, interactive elements, etc.
  • You will learn in a professional way how to implement pop-ups and alerts, work with iframes, debug playwright tests or Create custom page objects
  • You will master the Handling flaky tests, the Paralell test execution with Playwright and the Playwright tests integration with CI/CD pipelines
  • You will interacte with web Sockets, capture network traffic with Playwright and conduct Perfomance testing with Playwright, understanding their interpretation
  • You will learn the Playwright integration with other testing tools
  • You will be able to practice the content learned in a practical way by following all the steps in the complete exercises, and the practical projects
  • You will start with the basics and progressively carry out more complex steps until you reach an advanced level and absolute mastery at the end of the course

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners who have never used Playwright before
  • Developers, automation testers, engineers, students... who want to learn a new framework for Web Testing and Automation
  • Intermediate or advanced Playwright users who want to improve their skills even more!