Create a Brand Strategy

Defining your distinctive brand strategy

Ratings: 3.50 / 5.00


- Malcolm Gladwell once said that the word brand is like the word Africa; it can mean so many different things, all of them important and vastly different from one another. If you say Africa but you're envisioning inner-city Johannesburg while your listener is envisioning Morocco, then it ends up being a not so productive conversation. Brand is the same way. When I say brand, some people think of a logo, others advertising, others brand names or social media. All of these are components of brand, but brand strategy helps you use all of those components in a focused, thoughtful way, so that you're defining your business, not letting it be defined by the market. So, how do you differentiate your brand? You deliberately create a brand strategy. And that's what this course is all about. I'm Lindsay Pedersen, and I'm founder of Ironclad Brand Strategy. I grew up in consumer packaged goods, and I now work with leaders to craft their ownable, distinctive brand strategy, to guide and enable the growth of their business. As a marketer, there are so many different things you could be focusing on. With a deliberate brand strategy, you can assure that you're focusing your time and your energy and your money on the things that are the most closely aligned with your North Star, your brand strategy.

What You Will Learn!

  • Defining your distinctive brand strategy
  • Frame Your Brand Strategy: Starting with Customer and Market Research
  • Develop Yoru Brand Promise. Building a Unique Position
  • Define Your Brand Character. Articulating Brand Value
  • Activate Your Brand Strategy. Connecting with Customer.

Who Should Attend!

  • For all businesses