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These modules are designed to help ambitious designers become more strategic in generating, communicating and executing great ideas. There are a lot of additional skills needed to develop, communicate and execute your ideas. It's time to branch out and learn the skills needed to pitch strategic ideas relevant to your workplace.

These modules are for you if you're asking yourself: How do I bring up my ideas to my boss? Why aren't I being included in meetings that I know I can contribute to? How can I help solve problems more significant than the brief in front of me?

Your value is in your creative thinking not just your ability to design

This process pulls together self-learnings I have used to build my career and push for more creative work within the agency, alongside being a collaboration with Alto Education - an innovation education-based platform who have tested the framework with people from a range of industries.

Learn about:

1. Mindset

Learn the 5 behaviours to set you up for success in your career, and how to live by them.

2. Strategy

Learn business strategy, and why it's applicable for every designer.

3. Identifying Challenges

Learn how to identify challenges or problems, that are important to your agency / workplace.

4. Creative Idea Generation

Using that problem as fuel, we'll get creative with the way we generate ideas that are strategically relevant.

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn the 5 behaviours to set you up for success in your career, and how to live by them.
  • Learn business strategy, and why it's applicable for every designer.
  • Learn how to identify challenges or problems, that are important to your agency / workplace.
  • Using that problem as fuel, we'll get creative with the way we generate ideas that are strategically relevant.

Who Should Attend!

  • UX/UI Designers, Experience Designers, Graphic Designers, Copywriters, Product Designers