Creating Botnet in Rust

Create your botnet network in rust

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Our "Creating Botnet in rust" course teaches you how to create multithreaded botnet network in rust.

A botnet is a network of compromised computers or devices that are under the control of a single entity, often referred to as a "botmaster" or "command and control server." These compromised devices, known as bots or zombies, typically become part of a botnet through the installation of malicious software without the knowledge or consent of their owners.

A reverse shell is a type of shell in which an attacker sets up a connection between their machine and a compromised system, enabling them to execute commands on the compromised system. This is in contrast to a regular or "bind" shell, where the compromised system actively listens for incoming connections.

Botnets are commonly used for various malicious activities, including:

  1. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks: The botmaster can command the bots to flood a target website or online service with traffic, overwhelming its resources and making it unavailable to legitimate users.

  2. Spam Distribution: Botnets can be used to send out massive volumes of spam emails, promoting scams, phishing attacks, or spreading malware.

  3. Credential Theft: Bots may be used to collect usernames and passwords through various means, such as keylogging or phishing, providing attackers with unauthorized access to accounts.

  4. Cryptojacking: Botnets can be used to secretly mine cryptocurrencies by harnessing the computing power of the compromised devices.

  5. Information Theft: Botnets may be used to gather sensitive information, such as personal and financial data, for identity theft or other malicious purposes.

  6. Propagation of Malware: Botnets can be used to distribute and install additional malware on the compromised devices, creating a broader and more resilient network for the attacker.

Reverse shells are a common technique used in various cybersecurity scenarios, including penetration testing and ethical hacking, where security professionals assess the vulnerabilities of a system to help improve its defenses. However, reverse shells are also a common component of malicious activities, such as remote exploitation, data theft, and unauthorized system access.

We will use rust to create a reverse shell server and client.

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn Socket programming in rust
  • Learn how to create reverse shell
  • Learn Multithreading
  • Learn how to create multithreaded server

Who Should Attend!

  • Penetration Testers
  • Red Teamers
  • Malware Developers