CSSLP - Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional

Learn Secure Software Development Lifecycle ' 2024 - Secure Coding Awareness for Developer & Non-Developers

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This course is designed to provide professionals with comprehensive knowledge and skills in secure software development practices. It covers various domains and topics relevant to ensuring the security of software systems throughout their lifecycle including the following

1. Secure Software Concepts: This domain introduces the foundational concepts of secure software development, including the importance of integrating security into the software development process and understanding the security risks and challenges associated with software systems.

2. Secure Software Requirements: This domain focuses on identifying, prioritizing, and incorporating security requirements into the software development lifecycle. It covers topics such as security risk assessment, threat modeling, and security control selection.

3. Secure Software Design: This domain explores secure software design principles and methodologies. It covers topics such as secure design patterns, architectural models, secure coding techniques, and security architecture reviews.

4. Secure Software Implementation/Coding: This domain delves into secure coding practices and techniques. It covers common coding vulnerabilities, secure coding guidelines, input validation, output encoding, and secure error handling.

5. Secure Software Testing: This domain covers the importance of security testing throughout the software development lifecycle. It includes topics such as security testing methodologies, vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, and security test results analysis.

6. Software Lifecycle Management: This domain addresses the management and governance aspects of secure software development. It covers topics such as security policies, standards, procedures, security awareness, and training.

7. Secure Software Deployment, Operations, and Maintenance: This domain focuses on the secure deployment, operation, and maintenance of software systems. It covers topics such as secure configuration management, change management, vulnerability management, and incident response.

8. Supply Chain and Software Acquisition: This domain addresses the security considerations related to software supply chain management and software acquisition. It covers topics such as supplier risk assessment, software reuse, third-party software assessment, and software vulnerability disclosure.

What You Will Learn!

  • Understanding secure software concepts and principles.
  • Identifying and prioritizing security requirements.
  • Applying secure design patterns and threat modeling techniques.
  • Implementing secure coding practices and defensive programming.
  • Conducting security testing and vulnerability identification.
  • Managing secure software development throughout the lifecycle.
  • Deploying and maintaining software securely.
  • Managing software supply chain and acquisition security.
  • Understanding ethical considerations in secure software development.

Who Should Attend!

  • Software Developers: Professionals involved in the actual coding and development of software applications.
  • Software Architects: Individuals responsible for designing the architecture and structure of software systems.
  • Software Engineers: Professionals involved in designing and implementing software solutions.
  • Security Managers: Individuals responsible for overseeing and managing security within software development projects.
  • IT Project Managers: Professionals leading software development projects and responsible for ensuring security requirements are met.
  • Quality Assurance/Testers: Individuals involved in software testing and quality assurance.
  • Security Auditors: Professionals responsible for assessing and auditing the security of software systems.