CT Basics and Concepts

A 101 course for the beginner CT technologist.

Ratings: 4.80 / 5.00


This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of Computed Tomography (CT) basics and concepts. CT is a diagnostic imaging technique that uses X-rays to create detailed cross-sectional images of the body. In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of CT, including the physics behind the technology, the image acquisition process, and the various clinical applications of CT imaging.  There are no perquisites required for this course, just your willingness to learn!

Course Goals:

  1. To understand who invented CT and the CT generation that most CT scanners are designed by.

  2. To learn about CT image acquisition techniques, display and parameters associated with image formation.

  3. To identify different components of a CT scanner and their respective locations.

  4. To understand the purpose of a power injector and its purpose for CT imaging.

  5. To learn the importance of educating the CT patient on all aspects of the exam and communication is key.

  6. To understand the importance of radiation safety in CT imaging.

Course Outline:

I. Introduction to Computed Tomography

  • Inventor of CT

  • The generation of technology CT scanners are designed by

  • Typical layout of a CT Scanner and its components

II. Scanning Parameters

  • Types of scanning methods used

  • A detailed description of how each method is used for different imaging exams

  • Common scan term used

  • The CT Image-various types of imaging views that are referenced to anatomical position

III. Image Parameters and Display

  • Technical factors used to acquire an optimal image

  • SFOV and DFOV-how each is used and the effect it has on a CT image

  • Slice thickness and interval, plus the importance of both

  • Raw data vs. Image data

IV. The CT Patient

  • Patient assessment

  • Obtaining clinical history

  • Review of medications, allergies, prior CT exams

  • Patient education

V. Power Injectors

  • Single vs. Dual head

  • General injection protocols

  • Pediatric patients

VI. CT Dose

  • Dose reduction techniques

  • Methods to reduce unnecessary exposure

  • Measurement of dose, dose alerts and notifications

Course Action Steps:

  1. Study the video lessons and review the course materials thoroughly.

  2. Participate and submit all questions to the instructor.

  3. Take notes to reinforce learning.

  4. Apply what you've learned in the course in the clinical setting to gain hands-on experience.

  5. Review and analyze CT images to practice interpretation skills.

  6. Apply radiation safety principles to ensure safe CT imaging practices.

What You Will Learn!

  • The 101 basics and key concepts of Computed Tomography.
  • Layout of a CT scanner and the different scan parameters that are used.
  • A quick overview of image formation and display.
  • The CT patient and proper communication about all aspects of the exam.
  • CT Dose: techniques used to minimize over-exposure, how dose is reported, and notifications exceeding recommended levels.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is designed for CT technologists beginning their career in CT with less than a year of clinical scanning experience.
  • Beginner technologists lacking the 101 basics of CT due to minimal training in the clinical setting and want to build their confidence in their scanning abilities and execute optimal patient care.