Customer Success for SaaS 101 - The Fundamentals of CS

The course you need to learn all about Customer Success, the fundamentals, and key concepts!

Ratings: 4.46 / 5.00


In this course Customer Success for SaaS 101, we will learn all things about customer success. We really focus on the fundamentals and ensure you understand the core elements and principle concepts that any Customer Success professional or any person interested in learning more should know.

We will start by helping you understand what Customer Success is. These are basics and really help us understand what makes it unique compared to other roles or approaches. We also will take a step back to understand why it matters in a SaaS business. We will look at how it is different from customer support, because we know some might find those two roles confusing!

We will dive into key concepts, KPI's, and metrics that should be tracked, then look at the customer journey and how Customer Success fits within it. We will also explore the different roles and responsibilities within a Customer Success team and finally build an action plan to get a Customer Success program started, or improve upon the one you have. This part will be applicable to you no matter where you are at in your maturity of having a Customer Success Team.

As you instructor, I hope my many years of experience and success can help you in your own journey. I can not wait for you to join us!

What You Will Learn!

  • What is Customer Success?
  • Why Does Customer Success Matter in SaaS?
  • Roles and Responsibilities in your Customer Success Team
  • How Customer Success is Different from Customer Service or Support.
  • Important Customer Success KPI's and Metrics
  • The Customer Journey - 5 Stages
  • Build an Action Plan to Enhance Your Customer Success Program

Who Should Attend!

  • New Customer Success professionals
  • SaaS business owners
  • People interested in learning about Customer Success
  • Entrepreneurs and Start-up managers