Basics of Cyber Security

Ratings: 3.00 / 5.00


This course will introduce Business owners, IT professionals, Cyber security experts and anyone else who wants to learn about the different types of cyber attacks available on the internet today and ways on how to prevent those attacks.

The course will go into details about each type of Cyber Attack available and how to prevent it from happening to you.  It will also provide you with resources and tips that you can access for future use. 

This Course consists of 12 modules.  Each module consists of one video starting with an introduction to business cyber security and each additional module goes into detail about each cyber attack listed below.

All video modules are designed to be short and to the point.  This course is designed to help you save time and absorb and understand the information in a timely manner.

It concludes with Top 10 Wordpress security tips and a video.

Here is a breakdown of all the content and  different Cyber attacks covered:

Video # 1 Introduction to Business Cyber Security

Attacks covered:

Video 2- Crypto Jacking

Video 3- Denial-of-Service

Video 4- Drive-By Downloads

Video 5- Malvertising

Video 6- Malware

Video 7- Man In The Middle

Video 8- Password Attacks

Video 9- Phishing

Video 10- Ransomeware

Video 11- Rogue Software

Video 12- Trojan Attacks

Additional Course Content:

9 additional Video Modules and resources on Identify Theft

What You Will Learn!

  • Introduction of Business Cyber Attacks
  • Identify the different types of Business Cyber Attacks
  • Learn Solutions to different Business Cyber Attacks
  • Learn How To Prevent Future Business Cyber Attacks

Who Should Attend!

  • IT Professionals, anyone looking to learn more about Cyber Security, Cyber Security Professionals, Business owners