CEO Decision Making System Course 决策力系统课


Ratings: 5.00 / 5.00







The CEO Decision Making System Course is a course on decision-making and problem-solving. It uses the decision canvas as a tool to help learners better understand and analyze decision situations, thereby making wiser and more favorable decisions.


At the moment you swing your golf club, your eyes may not be able to see the distant hole clearly, but as long as you have a clear understanding of the direction of the hole and the situation in the area where the ball falls, you will organize all resources and use all means to push the ball into the hole.

The same goes for landing your life dreams in reality. To establish a lifelong list of areas and small projects for your dream goals, you must organize all resources to design a decision-making action roadmap to ensure that your dream goals are implemented in future reality.

The Decision-making Power System Course provides you with 1347 biochemical techniques to see clearly the direction and goal of dreams in advance, and 2718 methodology to implement the action roadmap of small project design and decision-making of dreams and goals, enabling you to make easy decisions, view the future, dream implementation, personal inheritance and sustainable development.

What You Will Learn!

  • 人人自然是自己的人生总裁CEO,你要自己做主、落地梦想、永续发展。
  • 在时代的现行规则之下,塑造的人性就是“被动选择”,你要进入“主动决策”的新世界。
  • 家庭里,学校中,公司内,社会上,都在告诉你“如何正确的做事”,《决策力系统课》告诉你要先“做正确的事”。
  • 每个人都有自己的1347生化术,都有自己的2718方法论,你也要有自己的《决策工具系统》有自己的价值主张,主动去和别人交换你需要的资源,否则你就会被别人捕获。

Who Should Attend!

  • 对个人成长、职业发展、家庭传承、自己做主、永续发展有兴趣主动决策的任何人。