Design Thinking Behind Assembly Language

Deep dive into understanding what Assembly really is!

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Assembly language stands as a fundamental tool in the arsenal of hardware designers. While there are numerous resources for mastering its usage, there is a gap in resources that delve into the underlying design principles that govern Assembly language. This course bridges that gap by showing you how Assembly language interfaces with hardware architecture.

Our journey starts with a deep dive into the positioning of Assembly language within the paradigm of programming languages. We highlight its unique advantages, notably its ability in facilitating low-level hardware manipulations.

Subsequently, attention turns towards understanding the architecture of an AVR processor. Specifically, we will be using the architecture of the ATmega328P microcontroller as it is a simple, widely used microcontroller that appears in Arduino Uno as well. Even though we are using AVR architecture in this course, the principles you learn are readily transferable to other processor architectures.

Armed with insights into processor architectures, we will design machine codes to execute a small set of primitive instructions, like addition, subtraction and logical AND operation. This forms the core idea of this course, explaining how Assembly language serves as an interface for hardware programming.

Finally, we will explore some Assembly instructions specific to the ATmega328P processor, illustrating the practical application of the concepts we explored.

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand the CPU architecture of AVR microcontrollers
  • Explore the design thinking behind the Assembly instructions for AVR microcontrollers
  • Get familiar with some AVR Assembly instructions
  • Write a simple Assembly code to turn on an LED

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners to embedded system design
  • Beginners to Assembly language