Digital Design from Scratch
Using VHDL in FPGAs from the ground up
VHDL is a powerful programming language for developing FPGAs, but is useless without an in-depth understanding of digital design. This course provides the student a comprehensive working knowledge of both of these in parallel. VHDL describes digital logic, and, as such, is an ideal vehicle for developing a deep understanding of the functional power available in modern FPGA devices.
What You Will Learn!
- Digital design basics, including logic gates, binary/hexadecimal numbers, registers, shift registers, counters, timing diagrams, propagation/setup/hold timing
- VHDL language basics, including VHDL file formats/libraries, coding logic equations, conditional statements, arrays, timing constraints
- Coding, including case statements, state machines, coding from timing diagrams, while-loops, standard/unsigned types, VHDL components (modules), simulation
- Practical examples: memories (inferred/dual port), FIFOs, memory-mapped buses, serial interfaces (RS232, UARTs, I2C, SPI), DSP, PLLs, Manchester/8B10B encoding
Who Should Attend!
- Entry level students interested in developing programs for FPGAs.
- Technicians and engineers who would like to learn VHDL (an FPGA programming language).