Directing Performance - How to Talk to Actors

Directing Actors and Mastering Acting Techniques for Directors

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Class Overview:

Do you want to become a better director? Do you want to understand how actors work? Do you want to create unique stories while making the most of the creative talent of the actors on set?

Then this class is for you. In this class, we will be talking about Directing Performance - How to Talk to Actors.

This course is designed for directors to better help them understand the work of an actor, so they can get better at improving an actor's performance and providing them with meaningful feedback. Throughout our lessons we will talk about the most important aspects of the work of an actor, covering the most important terms and practitioners.

What You Will Learn:

This course will teach directors how exactly actors work and what kinds of techniques actors use in their classes, courses, or workshops. At the end of the course, directors will be fluent in speaking "actor" and have a dedicated toolset to help actors craft unique and imaginative performances.

Why You Should Take This Class:

Directing actors is a crucial aspect of filmmaking and one that isn't as straightforward as setting up lights. It is a process that takes a great willingness to play and to experiment.
This course is all about the collaborative aspects and the teamwork involved in building a character - both for actors and for directors.

I am an actor, director, and acting teacher with more than a decade of experience, so I will guide you through the process and help you help actors work on nuanced performances.

Who Is This Class For:

While primarily designed for directors and filmmakers, this course will also be useful for actors and acting teachers.

Directing a performance isn't just a skillset that directors need in order to make better films, every actor will need a clear understanding of what it means to direct, assess, and adjust their own performance.


In order to complete the project, students will need a camera, a computer to edit on (alternatively a phone), and one or two collaborators.

Actors can also complete the project in the form of a self tape.

What You Will Learn!

  • How to direct actors on set or on the stage
  • How to use the same language and resources actors do
  • How to break down a script like an actor
  • How to get the most out of the actors you are working with

Who Should Attend!

  • directors
  • filmmakers
  • actors
  • people looking to perform better on camera