Fear management: Tips and exercises for dealing with fears

braking the barrier of fears by using your power of thinking, programming the subconscious, and self-confidence

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This is not a medical course, its just only  tips and exercises that assist dealing with fears

You  can apply the tips and exercises in this course to help you dealing with your fears, and increase self-confidence and self awareness.

You need to apply tips and exercises for few of days in order to get better results, but this course is not a substitute for a doctor.

This is not medical course, its a self-awareness course, it contains  tips from my point of view that assist you for dealing with fears by changing your thinking method from negative thinking to positive thinking, programming subconscious mind, improve self-confidence and how to deal with problems in the life.

Course Contents

Chapter I: The reality of fear

Chapter II: Golden Rules for dealing with fears.

Chapter III: How to deal with different types of fears

Course Objectives

1- Tips and exercises that assist for dealing with fear.

2- Increasing self-awareness and self-esteem.

3- Programming the subconscious mind in a positive way.

4- Improve self-confidence .


This course is not medical, but rather a set of recommendations to deal with various fears by changing the way of thinking, programming the subconscious mind and developing self-confidence

This course is not a substitute for the doctor, but rather to increase knowledge and awareness of the concerns that we face. You should consult your doctor and follow his instructions.

Iam Dr. Husni Almistarihi not a medical Doctor, Iam an academic doctor and a life coach. I  have experience in coaching and training in self management and skills improvements.

This course is based on the knowledge, experiences and experiences of the trainer and reflects the opinion of the trainer in presenting and explaining the topics and does not represent any other party or persons

What You Will Learn!

  • Get rid of your fears
  • Improve self-confidence
  • Change your thinking from negative thinking to positive thinking
  • Control your feelings

Who Should Attend!

  • Everyone wants to get rid of his fears and increase his self-confidence