Ear-Training Through Popular Songs in C

Learn how to work out Solfege, Rhythm and Chords through Songs in the Key of C Major

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The most powerful tool a musician can rely on is his or her own ears, to understand and analyze a song on a deeper level than just playing and singing it. By going through ear-training, a musician becomes more aware of the pitch, rhythm and even harmonic ideas in a song, allowing them to recognize similar ideas and themes in other songs, as well as predict them in new songs.

By going through this course, the average musician would be guided through a number of songs, repeating the skills required to establish a strong foundation and steps in working out a song, by ear.

-Your own instrument
-Some writing materials
-Patience :)

The following songs will be covered:

Key of C
1) Let It Be
2) Imagine
3) Falling Slowly
4) Hallelujah
5) Count on Me

The following concepts will be taught, reinforced and honed:
- Recognizing Solfege
- Working through smaller options
- Counting Rhythm
- Recognizing Beats and attaching counting patterns to syllables
- Utilizing the chords of the C Major to match what we hear in the song

What You Will Learn!

  • Working out a song by ear
  • Establish the Solfege of the melody of a song
  • Establish the Rhythm patterns of syllables, through counting
  • Establish Chords through constant revision of common chords in the key of C Major

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner musicians who are interested to learn how to work out songs by ear
  • Intermediate musicians who want to practice their ear-training