Masturbation and Porn Addiction w/ Metaphysic

Visualization|Meditation|Self-Hypnosis|Feng Shui Concept

Ratings: 3.51 / 5.00


This course is based on my personal experience. I had been No FAP for 24 years since I was born, then I fell for it. I will explain the reasons why, and how they expose the nature of this addiction.

I will share the insights that help me get back to No FAP after a decade of struggles.

I will explain why some people tried so hard and failed, and some people succeed with it the first couple times they tried, easily.

I will explain why some people have super power from no fap, but some people just kept counting days and nothing exciting ever happened.

Chances are some little things you don't pay attention to are causing you to fail! Come find out what they are! 

I will introduce proven spiritual, social, and mental practices that help you not only with porn addiction recovery, but with success and happiness in life.

What You Will Learn!

  • Quit Porn and Masturbation Addiction
  • Increase productivity
  • Find love

Who Should Attend!

  • People who wants to quite porn
  • People who want to stop masturbation