Effective Strategies to Implement After a Brain Injury

Brain training and learning strategies for memory, sequencing, organization, auditory, visual deficits, and more

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This course will be a timeless resource to aide in successful outcomes after a brain injury. A brain injury can impact more than the individual who sustained an injury. The impact of the injury can be felt by family members, friends, work peers, supervisors, and employees of facilities that interact with persons who have sustained a brain injury. If you fall into one or more of these categories, this course is ideal for you.

After a brain injury occurs, it is imperative to begin implementing strategies that will aide in the rehabilitation process or stop further deficits from becoming overwhelming. This course will delve into the development of cognitive organizational strategies that are brain lobe specific.

We will learn about the frontal lobe and the functions of the frontal lobe. We will then learn what happens to the frontal lobe when a brain injury occurs. After understanding the frontal lobe, we will discuss the best and effective strategies for frontal lobe injury.

We will learn about the parietal lobe and the functions of the parietal lobe. We will then learn what happens to the parietal lobe when a brain injury occurs. After understanding the parietal lobe, we will discuss the best and effective strategies for parietal lobe injury.

We will learn about the temporal lobe and the functions of the temporal lobe. We will then learn what happens to the temporal lobe when a brain injury occurs. After understanding the temporal lobe, we will discuss the best and effective strategies for temporal lobe injury.

We will learn about the occipital lobe and the functions of the occipital lobe. We will then learn what happens to the occipital lobe when a brain injury occurs. After understanding the occipital lobe, we will discuss the best and effective strategies for occipital lobe injury.

It is also important to note that often during a brain injury, multiple lobes can be impacted and thus our strategies can be used across lobes.

This course will allow the participant to journey through the process of developing effective strategies for the various lobes of the brain. Each participant will walk away with simple, yet effective strategies to use immediately.

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn various types of brain injuries and their impact on individuals
  • Learn each lobe of the brain and their individual function
  • Learn how a brain injury can impact each lobe of the brain
  • Learn cognitive organizational strategies for specific lobes of the brain
  • Learn behavioral strategies to create an environment for a healthy brain

Who Should Attend!

  • Individuals working in the field of brain injury desiring tools to work with clients
  • Individuals desiring to learn more about how an injury impacted their brain or a loved ones brain.