Efficient Major Gifts: Maximize Fundraising Productivity

Unlock the potential for increased donor visits, more solicitations and raising millions for your organization.

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Efficient major gifts involves a strategic approach where fundraisers concentrate their time and resources on high-potential prospects who are likely to make significant contributions in the near future. This series of videos aims to equip you with the tools to steer clear of unproductive efforts, enabling you to achieve success by increasing your prospect visits, making more effective asks, and giving priority attention to your most promising prospects. In part one, we embark on the journey to transform you into a highly efficient fundraiser. Moving into part two, our attention zeroes in on the critical aspect of securing donor visits, as it's a hallmark of successful fundraisers who consistently exceed their goals. In part three, we dive into the art of soliciting and successfully securing major gifts. Then in part four, we synthesize all the knowledge you've acquired through immersive case studies that trace the entire journey culminating in a major gift. Whether you’re a rising star or a seasoned professional, these time-tested methods will invigorate your perspective and most importantly, yield substantial results, driving crucial funds for your organization.

Efficient Major Gifts was created by Adam Platzer. With an impressive track record spanning more than 18 years in fundraising, Adam has secured game-changing contributions from alumni, corporations, and parents. Among his achievements is the orchestration, cultivation, and successful closure of a monumental $50 million donation, achieved through collaborative efforts with university leadership. This is the single largest philanthropic contribution in the storied history of RIT.

What You Will Learn!

  • Fundraise more efficiently while avoiding unproductive work
  • Boost your prospect visits
  • Enhance your major gift asks
  • Gain Insights from major gift case studies
  • Raise millions focusing on high-priority prospects

Who Should Attend!

  • Fundraisers in higher education