Line diagram explination
Load distribution of lighting and socket systems for new building construction
the student will know the relationship between the main distribution board and the branch distribution board
the students will be familiar with the meaning of the demand factor
the student will know the difference between the demand factor and diversity factor
the student will know the calculation of circuit load
the student will know the calculation of the main DB load
the student will know the ups job in the the building
the building will understand the emdb load
the student will know the meaning of the wiring sequence
the student will be familiar with branch DB load the student will know the generator job in load feeding in case of power failure
the student will know the relation between the main DB and emdb
the student will know the meaning of the load sequence
the student will know the difference of the Autocad drawing of the health center
the student will know the lighting diagram of the building installation
the student will know the power system diagram
the student will know the lighting circuit distribution
the relationship between the main distribution board and the emdb board
the student will know the load sequence main distribution, board
the student will know the difference between the
What You Will Learn!
- The student will be familiar with the load distribution of distribution board
- The student will know the relationship between the main distribution board and the branch distribution board
- The student will know the load calculation for lighting and socket system
- The student will know the relation ship between the generator and the power system and the use of it in facility
- th student willl be familare with disk fammiler
Who Should Attend!
- electrical engineer ,,
- electrical technician
- electrical designer
- electrical supervior