Direct Current motor
Electrical Motor
These days electrical motors are widely used in our day to day activity, I can say that, we are completely dependent of electrical motors. In your house a minimum of 30 electrical motor operated devices are available; your juicer machine, your house Air-conditioning machine, Your microwave Oven, Your Freezer, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, and Your car starter motor, wiper motor, seatbelt motor..... In Europe 88% of the people can troubleshoot, repair, remove and replace faulty house hold electrical and electronics components, So why don't you! You should get start today.
Now a days specially DC motors are widely used in Industries, in Commercial and in Domestic. Twenty One centuries hobbyist used DC motor for different application; such as to drive drone propeller, to actuate different parts of robots.
In this course you will Learn a minimum of Seven modules
In the First Module you will be introduced with the most widely used electrical motor, DC motor. The module define electrical motor, describe important terminology in electrical motor and gives you an overview of different types of DC motor and their applications.
In the Second Module you will study construction and operation of DC motors, and discus the function of each parts of dc motor in detail.
In the Third Module, We will discuss the three types of dc motor such as, series wound dc motor, shunt wound dc motor, and compound wound DC motor. this lesson also discus Speed control of each dc motor.
In general in this lesson you will study different characteristics of DC motors.; Dear trainees, in order to select specific motor for a given applications, You should know characteristic, limitation and feature of a given motor.
In the Fourth Module, You will learn Brushless dc motor. Topic discussed under this module are; construction, operation and application of brushless dc motor.
In the Fifth Module, How to Revers direction of DC motor.
In the Sixth Module You will learn speed control of DC motor.
In the Seventh Module, Basic DC motor maintenance and troubleshooting technique will be discussed.
Course Objective Overview:
At the end of this course trainees will be able to:
Define motor
Describe working principle of electrical motor
identify DC motors parts
Describe the three types of DC motor
Describe application area of motor
Identify frequent faulty components
Learn How to test short circuit in motor
Learn How to test Open circuit in motor
Learn Brushless motor construction, operation and applications
What You Will Learn!
- Describe the working principle of Direct Current motors
- Explain the function of each parts of Direct current motors
- Describe construction of series wound, shunt wound and compound wound DC motors.
- Identify application area of series wound, shunt wound and compound wound DC motors
- Describe speed and torque characteristics of series wound, shunt wound and compound wound DC motors.
- Describe Brushless DC motors construction and operation
- Understand the difference between Brushed and Brushless DC motors
- Understand DC motor speed control techniques
- Describe commonly used and practical DC motor speed control techniques
Who Should Attend!
- This course is designed for all, but more emphasis is given for beginner level.
- This course is also focuses; all technician, engineers, students of any field of study and hobbyist.