Emotional Intelligence for Leadership
Transform yourself and your organization for bottom line results
New! The entire set of videos have been upgraded as of March 2024!
You will learn a practical yet truly transformational model of leadership based on decades of experience and a unique blend of theories: Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Family Systems theory, Dr. John Wallen's interpersonal communication model, Dr. Daryl Conner's change management theory, and others. The course is an engaging blend of videos and quizzes. The instructor has been an Organization Development professional since 1984. He knows his stuff. You will be able to immediately apply your learning to having the effect you want at work and in your personal relationships.
Boost your EQ and Leadership Quickly Using:
Dr. Edwin Freidman's Self-Differentiated Leadership to create high performance in your organization
Dr. John Wallen's Interpersonal Gap and Four Behavioral skills so as to decrease misunderstanding, resolve conflict, and improve communication
The implications of neuroscience for EQ for improving your relationships at home and at work
Goal Alignment and other practical Organization Development methods so as to decrease dysfunctional conflict and to get results
You must be the change you want to see in the world
Those are Gandhi's words, and he knew what he was talking about. To transform your organization you must first start with yourself. People respond to leaders who have the humility to work on themselves throughout their lives, and if you sincerely do so with quality guidance you will enhance your strengths and smooth your edges. There are many places to start, such as working on a balance of taking clear concise stands with tuning in and effectively connecting with others. By doing so you will more effectively get business results.
There are many additional benefits to increasing your emotional intelligence. Dr. Daniel Goleman has documented a long list, ranging from increased earnings, to satisfaction in personal life, to effectiveness in job performance. You can take a step down that same path through the information and advice offered in this course.
Contents and Overview
This course is challenging but relatively quick, containing 10 lectures and approximately 100 minutes of video content. There are short quizzes after each segment to drive learning home. It's designed for anyone, regardless of experience level, who is in or wishes to be in a leadership position in an organization, with the added benefit of skills that also apply to improving personal relationships.
What You Will Learn!
- Apply the principles of Emotionally Intelligent Leadership to create high performance in your organization
- Understand and apply the Three Core Elements of Self-Differentiated Leadership so you can improve relationships and get results
- Understand and apply the Five Characteristics of Chronically Anxious Systems so that you can better influence the systems at home and at work that you are in
- Understand and apply the Three Core Skills of Emotional Intelligence: self awareness, skills, and active empathy
- Understand and apply Neuroscience and its implications for improving your relationships at home and at work
- Understand and apply The Interpersonal Gap so as to decrease misunderstanding and more often have the impact you want
- Understand and apply Dr. John Wallen's Four Interpersonal Skills for improving your relationships
- Understand and apply the RPC three layer model of Goals so as to create alignment and get results
- Understand and apply the Decision Styles model of Tannenbaum & Schmidt so as to more effectively lead and follow
- Learn strategies for applying Emotionally Intelligent Leadership to Employee Engagement
Who Should Attend!
- Best suited for people who are in, or who are aspiring to a leadership at home and at work