
This course will teach you how to shift your relationship with food and understand the reasons you engage in emotional overeating behaviors! This course is not for the faint of heart; it's for those who want to begin living their lives with more heart. We are going to be working through the topic of emotional overeating from the perspective of self-compassion, body kindness, and emotional agility. Most people believe that if they are emotionally eating, they are approaching food in the wrong way. While food may play a role, we are much more influenced by how we approach our emotions; the beliefs we have about ourselves; and the conditioning we have received from the culture at large and our families of origin regarding our bodies. In this course, you will practice making choices that align with who and how you want to be-- not who you have been told you need to be or "should" be.

Ask yourself this question before beginning: do you accept all of yourself? 
If you answer this with a resounding “yes!” than your actions, feelings, and thoughts will ideally be grounded in that acceptance. If you cannot say “yes,” that’s important to pay attention to, without judgment. Let’s invite that part to speak and see if we can learn from it.

This course includes a Certificate of Completion once requested and verified!

What You Will Learn!

  • Know how to use a simple mindfulness practice for self-awareness and understanding
  • Implement "radical ownership" for personal habit change
  • Cultivate a personal practice of mindful eating
  • Understand self-sabotage
  • Know what to do with uncomfortable thoughts and feelings
  • Identify a process for choosing actions you will be proud of
  • Learn what it really means to act with self-compassion

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is not for the faint of heart. It is for those who desire to begin living with heart. In a society where we are constantly bombarded by messages about how we should look, what we should weigh, what we should or should not eat, what we should or should not wear, how we should or should not exercise…is it a surprise that we find ourselves living by other people’s rules, adopting other people’s goals, and measuring our worth by other people’s metrics?!
  • When I made the commitment to change my relationship with myself, my relationship with food changed as well. I didn’t make that commitment with weight in mind either. That was the very problem I needed to solve! I was fixated on a number representing my worth. No, it was about learning how to trust myself, how to listen to my own needs, how to speak up and speak to myself with kindness and compassion, how to honor whatever emotion would arise and view it as valid and necessary, and how to live in accordance with my values (and it took work and reflection to understand them!) rather than society’s, my family’s, my friend’s, and those I was surrounded by. And here’s the deal—I’m still learning. It doesn’t end. Each day, I ask myself if I’m being who I want to be, if I’m living with integrity, if I’m living with my heart open, if my thoughts are expansive and loving, kind, and compassionate, and if I can lie down at night proud of the relationship I’m cultivating with myself. These days the answer is yes. I want the same for you. We are going to be working through the topic of emotional eating from the perspective of self-compassion, body kindness, and emotional agility. Get ready to expand your mind, your vision, and your perspective.
  • Appropriate for nutrition and body image coaches looking to develop their skills and acquire tools for appropriately meeting the needs of their clients
  • Therapists or health practitioners looking for evidence based methods of working with their clients struggling with emotional eating