Statics: key to success in Engineering

Plenty of Solved Numerical Examples in forces, particle and rigid body equilibrium, structural analysis and Inertia

Ratings: 3.50 / 5.00


This course contains several sections as follows:

1. General Principles and Force Vectors

  • Fundamental concepts in Mechanics

  • Units of Measurements in SI and FPS

  • Numerical calculations and main steps for analysis

  • Vectors and Scalars

  • Vector Operations

  • Coplanar Forces addition and resultant

  • Cartesian vectors and their resultant

  • Position vectors

  • Force vector along specific line of action

  • Vectors dot product

2. Particle Equilibrium and Force System

  • Particle idealization and concept of its equilibrium

  • Free body diagram concept of a particle in the 2D and 3D systems

  • Analysis of a particle under different coplanar and 3D forces

  • Moment of a force in scalar form

  • Cross product of vectors and its application, especially moment

  • Simplification of a force system and its moment and resultant

  • Simplification of a simple distributed loads

3. Rigid Body Equilibrium and Dry Friction

  • Rigid body idealization and its equilibrium concept

  • Free body diagram of a rigid body in the 2D and 3D systems

  • Defining rigid body supports in 2D and 3D systems

  • Identification of a statically determinacy and constraints

  • Providing equations of equilibrium for a rigid body in 2D and 3D

  • Analysis of a rigid body in 2D and 3D systems under different situations

  • Dry friction characteristics and concept

  • Identifying and analysis the dry friction problems

4. Structural Analysis and Internal Forces

  • Truss idealization and simple truss

  • Zero force member

  • Joint method analysis for the truss analysis

  • Method of section for truss analysis

  • Space trusses

  • Frames and Machines

  • Internal forces in structural members

  • Shear diagram for Beams

  • Moment diagram for Beams

5. Center of Gravity, Centroid and Moment of Inertia   

  • Centre of gravity of a body

  • Centroid and centre of mass of a body

  • Composite bodies centres and centroid

  • Moments of Inertia for areas concept and definition

  • Moments of Inertia for simple area calculation

  • Parallel Axes Theorem

  • Radius of gyration for an area

  • Moment of Inertia for composite areas

What You Will Learn!

  • General Principles and Force Vectors
  • Particle Equilibrium
  • Moments of Force System
  • Rigid Body Equilibrium
  • Structural Analysis
  • Internal Forces
  • Dry Friction
  • Center’s (center of gravity, centroid, center of volume, etc.)
  • Moment of Inertia

Who Should Attend!

  • Engineering Students
  • People who want to prepare for engineering entrance exam and qualification
  • People who are passionate in learning mechanics