Epstein-Barr Virus: Linked to Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia
Understanding EBV, coinfections and its role in disorders like chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and more.
This video will cover the biggest topics required for understanding and aiding in dealing with EBV and its links to fatigue. So many people suffer with heavy bouts of fatigue, migrating or fixed muscular pain, twitching or tremors and more. They seek medical care only to be told there isn't much they can do for them, or are given a vague diagnosis or worse, the wrong diagnosis. Stealth and reactivating pathogens are very small but hopefully growing subset of medicine to help get to the root of many life-altering issues people have. EBV is a top misdiagnosed, under-diagnosed and misunderstood issue. While 95% of the worlds population will have had it, it should be dormant post-infection period. Testing this is not widely understood despite it's not that difficult and can readily determine if it's no longer dormant and is reactivated creating symptoms and struggles. This video will cover all of this and so much more.
What You Will Learn!
- About the infection that causes mono that can and does reactivate as adults that is behind chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and more.
- Links to coinfections such as Lyme and mold
- What are some common triggers that cause some people to suffer from these symptoms?
- Who to seek for treatments and support or to learn more about Lyme, mold and EBV
- Symptoms of viral reactivation.
- Suggested common treatments that are out there, both pharmaceutical and natural.
- Expetations with the viurs and symptoms.
- Resources for self-care and empowerment from home.
- Understanding the labs for EBV and correct diagnosis.
Who Should Attend!
- Practioners or patients looking for insight on EBV, chronic fatiuge and related symptoms
- People with chronic fatigue
- People with Lyme or mold
- People with nerve issues like trembling or twitches
- People with fibromylagia or chronic muscle pain