Facebuilding (Face Gymnastics). Basic Level

Effective and safe exercises for a beautiful and toned face. Visible results after 2 months of regular exercises.

Ratings: 4.34 / 5.00

Facebuilding (Face Gymnastics). Basic Level


Beautiful and young face is a luxury available for everyone!

If you want:

  • to correct the facial shape;

  • to stop age-related and mimic changes of your face;

  • to save the natural beauty of your face for a long time, - 

without injections, you should do Facebuilding exercises (face gymnastics).

Facebuilding is a complex of exercises for your face that helps to keep it young and good-looking for a long time or to correct the existed wrinkles, tighten the facial contour etc.

This course includes exercises for all facial zones (forehead, eyes, central part, lips, chin and neck) and techniques of relaxation.

After completion of this course you will know:

  • How to control and your relax your facial muscles

  • How to train facial muscles safely.

You can complete facial exercises anywhere. All you need is desire, clean hands and mirror.


The main cause of sagging skin, wrinkles and other faults is muscles’ condition. For example:

  • sagging skin occurs when muscles are too weak;

  • wrinkles and creases occur when muscle are too tense.

Practiced Jenya Baglyk method you tone weak muscles and relax tense muscles.

Other important point is safety. Doing facial exercises you must be sure that new wrinkles will not occur. To prevent this we fix our muscles in the point where they connected to the skin. Also such fixation provides an additional load to the muscle.

In this video course:

  • Jenya Baglyk explains how to do each facial exercise;

  • Describes the effects of each exercise to the face and tell how many times you should do it.

  • Before started exercises make sure that you made a picture of your face to compare the achieved results after 2 months of facebuilding exercises.

Visible results after 2 months of regular exercises.

What You Will Learn!

  • You can do facebuilding exercises by yourself (basic level).
  • You learn the basics of mimic control and start to monitor your facial expressions.
  • You learn how to relax the facial muscles.
  • You save the beauty of your face for a long time.
  • You love your face.

Who Should Attend!

  • Women and men, who want to save a natural beauty of face for a long time.
  • Women and men, who want to get rid of age-related and mimic wrinkles.
  • Women and men, who want to lift up the contour of the face.