FHIR Implementation Guide

Various FHIR Implementation Options on Existing Systems

Ratings: 3.97 / 5.00


The FHIR Implementation Guide training will provide the following details:

  1. FHIR implementation options: The training will present different options for implementing FHIR to achieve interoperability. It will outline the various approaches available, considering the specific context of the 21st Century Cures Act.

  2. FHIR capabilities: The training will cover the capabilities and features of FHIR that make it a powerful tool for healthcare interoperability. It will explain how FHIR can facilitate seamless data exchange and integration between different healthcare systems.

  3. Pros and Cons of implementation options: The training will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each implementation option. It will provide a comprehensive overview of the benefits and challenges associated with different approaches to help participants make informed decisions.

  4. Effort involved in implementation: The training will address the effort and resources required for implementing FHIR in different scenarios. It will provide insights into the level of effort needed for successful implementation and the potential impact on existing IT systems.

The objective of this training is to equip leadership, sales, solution architects, technical architects, and implementation teams with the knowledge and understanding needed to make informed decisions regarding interoperability. It aims to empower clients to make well-informed choices based on their current IT infrastructure and subsequent decisions.

This training is developed by professionals with extensive experience in the healthcare industry and hands-on development expertise using relevant tools and technologies. It is built on real-world experiences, ensuring practical insights and guidance for effective FHIR implementation.

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand FHIR: Gain a deep understanding of FHIR, including its core concepts, data models, and key components.
  • Interoperability and Data Exchange: The course will delve into the concepts and techniques related to achieving interoperability and seamless data exchange.
  • Implement FHIR in Practice: Explore real-world scenarios to implement FHIR, achieve interoperability, and exchange healthcare data.
  • Key aspects to consider for a successful FHIR implementation - Pros and Cons.

Who Should Attend!

  • Health IT professionals: Developers, software engineers, and IT professionals working in the healthcare industry who want to enhance their knowledge and skills in implementing FHIR and designing FHIR Implementation Guides.