Diploma of Cost Estimation of Construction Projects

Construction Projects Financial and Accounting Management, Cost Estimation, Pricing and Tendering

Ratings: 4.77 / 5.00


This course is divided to two levels as below:

Level-1 includes the following topics:

  • Lecture 1: Introduction

  • Lecture 2: Accounting methods

  • Lecture 3: Introduction to construction management

  • Lecture 4: Introduction to cost estimating

  • Lecture 5: Jobsite general conditions

  • Lecture 6: Overhead and profit

Level-2 includes the following topics:

  • Lecture 1: Cost control

  • Lecture 2: Earned value analysis

  • Lecture 3: Cash flow

  • Lecture 4: Payment requests

  • Lecture 5: Financial close-out of the construction project

By end of level-1 of this course, you will be able to :

  1. Manage the accounting cycle and tender process.

  2. Understand the projects delivery methods, procurement ,contracts types and the associated risks.

  3. Estimate and manage the construction costs elements(Labor, Material, Equipment and Subcontractor).

  4. Estimate and manage the jobsite indirect cost in a professional way,

  5. Implement the strategies to optimize the jobsite indirect cost.

  6. Mitigate the impact of change orders, claims, and delays on the jobsite indirect cost.

  7. Estimate and manage the home office overhead costs , conduct breakeven analysis ,markups and profit determination and management.

  8. Price a whole project in a professional way.

After completion of this level, you will be eligible to take the Level-2, which includes the rest of financial management topics, then, you will be able to manage the construction projects financially from the tender stage to the financial close out stage in a professional way.

What You Will Learn!

  • Have a strong knowledge of the construction projects built environment لديك معرفة قوية ببيئة العمل لمشروعات الانشاءات
  • Have a strong knowledge of the financial management skills of construction projects لديك معرفة قوية بمهارات الإدارة المالية لمشروعات الانشاءات
  • Understand the construction projects cost accounting cycle, methods and purposes فهم الدورة المحاسبية لتكاليف مشروعات الانشاءات وطرقها وأغراضها
  • Understand the tender process and how to manage فهم عملية العطاءات وكيفية إدارتها
  • Have the knowledge of construction firm ownership structures لديك معرفة بانواع ملكيات الشركات طبقا للقانون المصري
  • Understanding the difference between construction management and project management فهم الفرق بين إدارة الانشاءات وإدارة المشاريع
  • Have a strong knowledge of the project delivery methods, procurement methods طرق تسليم المشروع و الشراء
  • Construction Projects contract types and associated risks انواع عقود مشاريع البناء والمخاطر المرتبطة بها
  • Able to estimate and manage the construction costs and price a whole project in a professional way القدرة على تقدير تكاليف الانشاءات وإدارتها، وتسعير مشروع كامل
  • Able to estimate and manage the jobsite indirect cost in a professional way قادر على تقدير وإدارة التكلفة غير المباشرة لموقع العمل بشكل احترافي
  • Implement the strategies to optimize jobsite indirect cost معرفة الإستراتيجيات لتحسين التكاليف الغير مباشرة لموقع العمل
  • How to mitigate the impact of change orders, claims, and delays on job site indirect cost ادارة تأثير التغيير والمطالبات والتأخيرات على التكلفة غير المباشرة
  • Able to estimate and manage the home office overhead costs in a professional way قادر على تقدير وإدارة نفقات المكتب الرئيسي بشكل احترافي
  • Conduct breakeven analysis ,markups and Profits determination and management تحليل نقطة التعادل ، و وتحديد هامش الربح وإدارته و طرق تعظيمة

Who Should Attend!

  • Project managers مديري المشاريع
  • Construction managers مديري الانشاءات
  • Cost Estimators مهندسي تقدير التكاليف
  • Cost control engineer مهندس التحكم في التكالبف
  • Planning Engineers مهندسي التخطيط
  • Site Engineers مهندسي المواقع و التنفيذيين
  • Technical office engineers مهندسي المكتب الفني
  • Accountants المحاسبين