An Introduction to Financial Markets

A clear financial markets roadmap : what products are traded by whom and why, pricing and trade organization

Ratings: 4.50 / 5.00


Hi, my name is Michiel van den Broek. 

I am a financial expert, specialized in explaining complex finance. 

It is my pleasure to invite you to attend the financial markets fundamantals course where I  introduce you to the workings of the universe of finance. I will show you that finance is not rocket science! 

Since the '80s, banks have become huge financial supermarkets offering a wide range of different services and products. Employees in these large banks have specialized expertise in the area they make a career. Also, the fast developments in information technology has resulted in large IT departments staffed by people without financial and banking knowledge. 

Financial products significant contribute to our social welfare and economic development. The financial crisis of 2008 was a turning point in way financial products are traded on the Financial Markets. How do Financial Markets work and why are they so important? 

You will learn about the supply and demand of capital, foreign currencies and risk. You will get a picture of how and where supply and demand meet; and you will understand why the financial market needs supervision and regulation. 

As a bonus you can download a free copy of my book Financial Market Fundamentals.

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn what happens on financial markets
  • Understand trading motives
  • Enhances your financial decision making skills

Who Should Attend!

  • People that work in the finance industry.
  • No economic background is required.
  • Finance professionals
  • IT staff; Accountants; Controllers; Journalists; Consultants; Engineers;
  • Sales; Project management