精緻英式西餐禮儀 Fine Dining Etiquette

全備的西餐和正宗英式下午茶禮儀 Fine Dining Etiquette and English Afternoon Tea Etiquette

Ratings: 5.00 / 5.00




        本課程的實景課程,已經獲得英國專業再進修學院(UKCPD)的認證,同時由英國倫敦藝術商學院(LONDON Arts and Business College)、英國倫敦禮儀導師協會認可。


What You Will Learn!

  • 明白餐桌禮儀的重要性 understand the importance of dining etiquette and table manners in social situations
  • 懂得恰當地使用各種餐具 know how to use the cutlery properly
  • 懂得主要的餐桌禮儀並加以運用 know the basic table manners and apply
  • 懂得英式優雅品茶禮儀和下午茶禮儀 know the elegance tea etiquette and the traditional English Afternoon Tea etiquette

Who Should Attend!

  • 所有想學西餐禮儀的人 anyone who wants to learn British / Western dining etiquette