First Aid Tips for Suicide Prevention

Recognizing and preventing suicide in 4 essential steps

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In the US in 2015, one person died of suicide every 11.9 minutes and one senior died of it every one hour and six minutes. Also in 2015, there were more than 1 million suicide attempts in US or one suicide attempt every 29 seconds. In fact, suicide was the 10th leading cause of death, and among young people, it was the 2nd leading cause of death.

With these relevant facts, first aid for suicide prevention is crucial. While first aid is widely recognized and used for common physical problems, such as bleeding and choking, it is not well established and commonly used among psychological or mental disturbances. 

In this lecture, Dr. Rayel introduces the CARE Approach as first aid for suicide prevention. Unlike other approaches, this CARE approach is a practical four-step process with both assessment and intervention prongs. Assessment is necessary to recognize the signs and intervention prong is important to prevent suicide through various first aid strategies. 

Moreover, Dr. Rayel discusses the warning signs and risk factors of suicide. He also explores and talks about some of the relaxation and coping strategies to prevent and to deal with early or worsening mental problems.

Topics include the following:

1. The CARE Approach as first aid for suicide prevention - This practical approach has both assessment and intervention prongs, and follows four basic yet crucial steps in dealing with mental problems and suicidality.

2. Warning signs of suicide - Severe mental problems, feelings of hopelessness, agitated and risky behavior, preoccupation with death, among others are warning signs of suicide.

3. Risk factors of suicide - Major suicide risk factors, such as mental disturbances, psychiatric disorders, medical problems, medications, and substances, are discussed.

3. Relaxation and Coping Mechanisms - Interventions discussed include breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization, diversion, socialization, sleep hygiene, among other coping strategies.

If you or your loved one suffers from mental disturbance, then first Aid strategies to prevent suicide is very important to learn.

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn relevant information about suicidality and its warning signs and risk factors.
  • Learn how to recognize suicidality and how to deal with it through first aid intervention.
  • Learn various coping strategies in dealing with psychological disturbance.
  • Learn the CARE Approach as first aid strategies for suicide prevention.

Who Should Attend!

  • Individuals who want to learn about suicidality, its warning signs and risk factors, and its first aid intervention.
  • Individuals who may be suffering from psychological disturbance and suicidality and want to learn how to recognize the symptoms and deal with them.
  • Individuals who are dealing with loved ones or patients suffering from psychological disturbance and suicidality and want to learn how to recognize the symptoms and how to help through first aid strategies.
  • Individuals who are interested to learn about mental health issues and psychological disturbances.