黄帝内经 : 五行学说 ( 建立部分关系,创造整体体系)

身心灵的健康来自各成分和谐的关系 :脏腑,情绪,性格,心态,饮食,气的运动,就好像一家和睦相处来自各成员的平衡互动的关系。

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当你听到“五行学说” : 土木水火金,我相信你与许多人一样,在你的脑海里,你认为这是一个古人的迷信。




你也会领悟到“因果”不是那么简单地什么东西造成什么的后果,而是许多因素造成什么的后果。 你也不会轻易的相信商业广告推销某种保健产品能预防癌症。

(這是黃帝內經另一個課程。 虽然本系列的所有课程都是相互关联的,但本课程可以先自学)。

When you hear "5-Element Theory": Earth, Water, Fire, Metal and Wood, I believe that you are like many people, in your mind, you think this is an ancient superstition.

If I propose "A success model of Five Interacting Key variables", for example, leadership attributes under what circumstances, the quality of leadership will be controlled or curtailed, although the leadership ability can also bring about many positive effects. Then under what other circumstances, the thing that controls leadership is also being controlled by another variable, you are probably interested in participating in the lecture.

In fact, the "Five Elements Theory" is similar to this thinking model, which logically connects the key variables into relationship, and shows how these variables have certain natural laws of operation with each other.

When you finish this course, you will greatly admire and appreciate the ancient wisdom. This simple Thinking Model can clearly analyze various phenomena, the relationship between our different body organs, and it can also be used to analyze the relationship between different diets and emotions. This will bring about greater understanding about your health, mind, emotions, and diseases (if any).

You will also realize that "cause and effect" is not simply the consequence of something or one thing, but the consequence of many factors. You will then, not easily influenced by commercial advertisements promoting certain health product that can prevent cancer.

(This is another video course of the series of Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic courses. This series of 6 courses are inter-related. However you can take up this course to start learning first).

What You Will Learn!

  • 我们先从一个故事说起,关于如何应用一种的情志调理另一个情志,基于“五行学说”的理论。
  • 古人如何创造这个“五行学说”模式来了解宇宙万物的变化,有一定的自然规律的变化。
  • “五行学说“也应用在我们的不同的脏腑功能,让我们更了解我们的身,心,灵是一个整体,不是西医的方式把身体当作是个个零件的机器。
  • “五行学说”也可以用来分析不同食物的功效以及意识和情感,如何影响我们的健康。
  • “五行学说”是用来建立个部分关系,创造整体体系,创造全面的健康。 • 我们应用许多日常生活的事件带出五行学说的应用及了解。
  • 今天的生活压力,情绪的波动,自己特有的性格表现,可能是明天生理健康的问题。如何了解变化的关系?
  • 这些问题,还有其他的挑战是我们在这个课程里讨论的。
  • 当你了解生活各种的挑战的背后有自然规律的关系模式,你会感觉到你拥有自己内在的力量,创造你理想的幸福。

Who Should Attend!

  • 坚信对自己的生命有更多的知识需要认识。
  • 熱愛生命,追求幸福,發揮本有的無限潛能。
  • 對身心靈健康和宇宙充满好奇。
  • 尽管當下面临挑战,表现不佳,或有疾病,决定学习天天養生,以实现全面健康。