Forgive Yourself and Others Masterclass

How to Let Go of Pain and Suffering

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Forgive Yourself and Others Masterclass


This course will focus on the importance of forgiveness, both for yourself and others. What does forgiveness truly look like and what does it mean? You'll learn why it's important to let go of events and circumstances from your past, and how you can do it. You'll learn how the brain works in this area and some new approaches to letting go of what's been holding you back and making you feel miserable for so long. I'll show you why it's important to create meaning to past events, and how this is crucial to moving forward from the guilt that manifests in our minds and bodies from things that have been done to us in the past or things we feel we've done to ourselves. I'll teach you how to take responsibility for your own happiness, and what that means. We'll dive deeper into guilt and fear, and how each compels us to act in a certain way. PLUS as a bonus, I'll teach you a forgiveness ceremony you can do to help facilitate this new outlook and change in your life.

What You Will Learn!

  • Practical Steps to Let Go of Pain and Suffering
  • Why it is important to Forgive
  • Why Holding on Makes You Feel Worse About Yourself
  • How to Cultivate Your Self-Compassion
  • How to Build A Robust Self-Esteem
  • How Forgiveness Ritual Can Enhance Your Healing
  • The Essential Practice for After You Forgive to Have it Stick

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who feels like they no longer want to be held back by something that happened in their past and how they can let it go.