Finance - The Fundamentals for Property Investors

How to keep on buying even if the bank says no

Ratings: 4.32 / 5.00


Your property investing strategy is only as good as your finance strategy

Whether you can get traditional bank finance or not, this course is going to help you. It will expand your knowledge of how our monetary systems actually work and how you can take ADVANTAGE of that.

You will learn what other options you have, should the bank say no. Not to mention at least 13 different strategies that require little to NO MONEY DOWN and can still create serious cash flow, profit and equity.

What You Will Learn!

  • Bypass the banks and use non bank lenders
  • Know how to buy property regardless of what the bank says
  • Utilise a range of strategies to constantly buy property

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is designed for people who want to know the BEST ways to finance a property portfolio and to be able to circumnavigate the banks strict lending criteria