C/C++ 1000: GNU For Beginners

Exploring the C/C++ Commons

Ratings: 4.00 / 5.00


C/C++ 1000: GNU For Beginners is about creating C++ application on Linux, AIX, MacOS and other POSIX-inspired operating systems. Using Cygwin and Windows Sub-System for Linux (WSL) even students working on Microsoft Windows can begin to master the Linux / Unix programming world!

Standardized since 1998, Modern C and C++ share a rich & common legacy. Often called upon to work with legacy code, modern C/C++ software developers are more likely to encounter older, rather than newer, software. C/C++ 1000: GNU For Beginners is designed for students who will need to be able to detect the difference between the standards. 

Part of a three (3) part series, GNU C/C++ For Beginners begins by covering what every new software developer should know. Starting out by focusing upon basic compiler concepts, our keyword-centric approach ensures that no concept will be left behind!

Why C/C++?

Yet another forever go-to technology, discovering how to create high-performance software often involves using some part - if not all - of the C/C++ programming standard. Not only does every operating system rely upon some part of the C/C++ standardization effort, but every modern, popular operating system supports both C/C++ as well as the GNU Tool-set. -Almost all other programming languages also support, if not directly rely upon the free & open C/C++ community!

From popular applications, robotics, and operating systems to the Cloud itself then at some point in time everything relies upon software written in C/C++.

What Will I Learn?

Using the cross-platform, time-proven GNU tool set, understanding how products such as Cygwin can be used to create standards-compliant, portable software also allows students working on Microsoft Windows to begin to master the Linux / Unix programming world. Covering control flows, functions, pseudo functions, structures, typedefs, argument processing, unions, and even state machines will prepare new students for the GNU C/C++ 2000 training opportunity.

What You Will Learn!

  • Create programs using Modern C/C++
  • Use GNU C/C++ under Cygwin on Microsot Windows, or natively on Linux / macOS
  • Complete "Common Grounds" Keyword Coverage!

Who Should Attend!

  • Learners looking to use Modern C, and / or Modern C++
  • Students using Microsoft Windows, Linux, or macOS
  • Developers who need to understand what C and C++ have in common