GIVE: Leading with generosity, impact, vibrancy, and equity

Good leaders GIVE to get: Operationalize generosity, impact, vibrancy, and equity to drive results

Ratings: 4.30 / 5.00


The best leaders GIVE. They lead with generosity, impact, vibrancy, and equity to build an organizational culture where employees feel a sense of ownership and belonging that empowers them to do their best work.

I’m Heather Hiles. I’m a technologist, a futurist, a builder, an entrepreneur and an investor. I have a 30+ year track record of creating and scaling companies, nonprofit, and philanthropic organizations that solve big problems and transform millions of lives. Through all of these experiences, I’ve learned a lot about what sets companies apart, what makes them work, and what causes them to fail. I’ve found that the most successful and innovative companies have generosity in their DNA. I call this The GIVE factor, which stands for Generosity, Impact, Vibrancy, and Equity.

The need for good leaders has never been greater. The world of work as we know it has completely changed in the last few years. Technology disruptions, a global pandemic, social justice movements, climate change, and more have caused many to reevaluate their careers. People are running headfirst into what is now known as the “Great Resignation.” Employees have more agency than ever before and therefore employers will have to do more than ever to beat the competition for hiring and retaining the best talent. In this course, I will share with you the lessons I’ve learned in my career about how to be a leader that builds vibrant and successful organizations. Specifically, we’ll discuss:

  • Why good employees are leaving their jobs and how to keep them

  • What it means to lead with Generosity—spoiler: it’s not just about compensation and benefits

  • How to maximize your Impact as a leader

  • The power of Vibrant organizational cultures

  • Why you should focus on Equity, not equality

  • How to operationalize generosity and inclusion in each of the core lines of business and KPIs you can use to measure your impact

Throughout the course I’ve shared templates and tools you can use to help you become a leader that GIVEs.

Companies today have incredible power and influence in society and on people’s lives. It is important that the people who build and run these organizations are consistently generous and intentional about the impact they have on people on the world. If you want to increase your impact, I encourage you to enroll in this course today.

What You Will Learn!

  • Examine the power of leading with the GIVE: Generosity, Impact, Vibrancy and Equity
  • Develop leadership habits that cultivate Generosity, Impact, Vibrancy, and Equity in your organization
  • Operationalize the GIVE approach in key areas of your business (Corporate Governance, HR, Product Development, Investment, Go-to-Market, and Philanthropy)
  • Identify KPIs you can use to track the generosity, impact, vibrancy, and equity of your organization

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is designed for leaders who want to maximize their impact and build a vibrant and equitable company culture that drives success.
  • If you’re early on in your career, you can find value in this course by learning good management behaviors as well as how to identify high-performing organizations where you want to work.