Relational intelligence for a whole new you

Go beyond emotional intelligence. Learn to be in wise relationship with yourself, others and the world around you

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The answer to the question of “who we are” is not as simple as it may seem at first blush. But few of us spend much time digging deeper. We simply assume an identity— derived from where we find ourselves, where we live, whom we associate with. Then we go on auto-pilot, rarely diving below the surface of our existence. Until something blows us off course and we become unmoored— unknown, even to ourselves.

Wouldn’t it be better to explore the landscape of our lives before we are lost. Seek self-knowledge, examine our deepest impulses, our values, our reasons for being? Wouldn’t it be preferable to take that understanding and live a more deliberate life— to happen to the world, before it happened to us?

That was the thinking that led us to develop this program of self-inquiry, which draws on our own investigations over 20 years, including through readings, discussions, insights and experimentation on how to live a meaningful life. We took a practical, critical and evidence-based approach that builds on the thinking of leading scientists and philosophers.

Instead of prescribing one perfect way to be, our program guides you on a path that illuminates different perspectives, habits of mind and concepts to help you create your own reasons, and discover your own answers to the questions of who you are, what matters to you and how to live a life that is meaningful to you.

What You Will Learn!

  • That emotional intelligence is not enough. You need to develop relational intelligence
  • The science of the self, from multiple perspectives, including biology, psychology, sociology and ohilosophy.
  • The nature and basis of our relationships with ourselves, others, the natural world and the universe
  • Mental bugs that prevent us from seeing ourselves and others clearly
  • Practical tools to increase self-awareness, form more meaningful relationships and make more deliberate choices

Who Should Attend!

  • For anyone interested in increaseing their self-awareness and effectiveness in personal and professional relationships