Health & Safety Risk Assessment

Learn how to conduct a complete risk assessment in your workplace

Ratings: 4.35 / 5.00


Risk Assessments Can Save Lives

Risk assessments can save lives, hazards can cause life-threatening accidents and health conditions.

For example, fire hazards put many people’s lives at risk , exposure to dangerous substances can cause long-term and potentially fatal health conditions and dangerous work equipment such as heavy machinery can also take lives if not used correctly.

By identifying these hazards, and implementing the control measures to eliminate or reduce their effects, risk assessments can save lives.

Risk Assessments Are Legal Requirement

Risk assessments are a legal requirement. All companies and self-employed people are required to consider health and safety risks in the workplace.

Risk Assessments Prevent Business Financial Loss

If employees are affected by work-related injuries or ill-health, they will need to take time off and companies may need to cover sick-pay and the cost of employment cover, there may also be legal fees and affected parties may claim compensation..

Carrying out a thorough risk assessment and taking steps to reduce the assessed risks can prevent accidents and ill-health and the costs that come with them.

This course provides basic concepts of risk assessment and advanced techniques of risk assessment  - After fininshing the course you will have a very good understanding about:

  • What is risk assessment.

  • The steps of a complete risk assessment.

  • The different types of hazards you might face in your work place.

  • The different techniques of hazard identification.

  • How to weight , evaluate and control the risks.

  • How to record and review your risk assessment.

  • How to use some advanced techniques of risk assessments (such as: HAZOP , Fault tree analysis and Event tree analysis).

Hope that you enjoy the course.


What You Will Learn!

  • What is risk assessment
  • What are the benefits of conducting a risk assessment in your workplace
  • The criteria for suitable & sufficient risk assessments
  • The five steps of a risk assessment
  • Various types of hazrads
  • Various techniques of hazard identification
  • Identify people at risk
  • How to weight and evaluate the magnitude of the risk
  • How to control risks and the factors to be considered in selecting control measures
  • Recording and updating risk assessments
  • Using some advanced techniques of Risk Assessment (HAZOP , Fault tree analysis and Event tree analysis)

Who Should Attend!

  • HSE Managers/Engineers
  • Managers and persons with responsibilities where risk assessment is needed
  • Operations/process engineers
  • Any others who are interested in HSE fiels