Help Me I'm a Parent : Happy & Easy Family Management Tools

How to eliminate the stress of parenting while getting more time to do what’s needed & desired for you & your family

Ratings: 2.47 / 5.00


Raising a family can be both rewarding and stressful. The parenthood journey is complex. Your child will morph into five distinct humans, Infant, Toddler, School age/pre-adolescence, teenager and young adult. You and your parental partner will go through life changes as well. Health (size/weight/age), Career, Location, Care of Parents, Finances, etc… The people that are involved in the life of your child and your family will grow in size and impact. Academic Teachers, Sports coaches, Dance/Art Instructors, Spiritual Influencers, Grandparents, Uncles/Aunts, Neighbors etc… each playing a role in the nurturing of your child’s childhood experience.

Time becomes a major focus and point of concern with family dynamics. The feeling of not having enough time to get everything done can stress us out to the point that we become physically ill. Our children demand much of our time leaving very little if any for us to spend time on strengthening our romantic relationship, our friends, and ourselves. When we neglect these things the results make managing the needs of our children even more difficult and stressful. So how can we get more time? Is there a way to manage the time we have better? Is there a tool that is easy to use that will give you more time and make parenting much less stressful?

This course tackles the questions posed above and more. Yes, you can get more time by having tools to free up the time you spend each day that allow you to manage your days more effectively. The best news of all is that in a few short hours you will have these easy to use tools with the knowhow to maximize their incredible effectiveness. You will have you very own custom built Happy & Easy Family Management Tools.

When you are finished with this course you will know how use a couple of amazing tools that you will build from this step by step course. Once you put these tools to use you will begin to feel more empowered. After a short transition period you will begin to see that you will have fewer miscommunications, fewer misunderstandings, without those time wasters, more will get done in shorter amounts of time. You will have time to take care of you and your relationships which in turn will make you a better parent.

Help Me I'm a Parent : Happy & Easy Family Management Tools Is a course that will help communicate better. It will help you get better behavior from your children. It will give you more freedom to do things you desire. Better communication, better behavior and more free time equals less stress. In a few short hours you’ll have a couple of tools that you’ll know how to use. And with some practice with these tools all of your relationships will feel better including the one you have with your child. In just a few hours you will have an understanding of the following:

  • Time wasters v Time investments

  • Sizing up time, Evaluating, constructing, and making better use of time

  • Overview of Time management tools & how to select one for you

  • Adult Cognition & How to think like a CEO

  • Discipline & Governing your home.

  • Family Rules, Policies, Enforcement and Adult Preparation

  • Star Family Constitution, how to build it and use it.

  • Setting goals, that can be supported by SFC

  • And we will add to our previous courses by updating your parenting agreement and parenthood MAP

Coach Hall, is a Life Mastery Practitioner Specializing in the Parenthood Journey. He has been helping all types of families since 1977. He is an international “Best Selling” instructor with thousands of students from over 120 countries around the world. He has achieved certification in a variety of mind mastery disciplines and has been a mentor and coach to hundreds.

Help Me I'm a Parent : Happy & Easy Family Management Tools: is a value-packed course that contains many of the same elements of a true workshop environment. You’ll be asked to fully participate to help you build confidence with understanding. Enroll today, so you can become an Optimal Parent!

What You Will Learn!

  • Receive Time management understanding
  • Receive Time management tools
  • Receive Step by Step Break down of how to make your own family management tool
  • Receive the knowhow to create more time which will help to eliminate stress in your life.

Who Should Attend!

  • Parents and couples looking to be more effective and efficient with their time.
  • Parents & couples looking for tools to help them weed out time wasters and input time investments
  • People needing more time.
  • Life Coaches looking to add to their tools to help folks with time and/or parents struggles with behavior issues with their children.