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やさしい茶道 お家で抹茶を点てよう! Let's enjoy casual tea ceremony at home!








Let's master Bonryaku way of tea in this course.

Bonrayku is the casual way of tea using a round plate called "yamamishi- bon"

(Yamamichi means the mountain path, because the edge of the plate is carving like mountain path)

Before watching the lesson of Bonryaku way of tea, we start from "Warigeiko", which is the divided lessons of each movements.

Let's perform this casual way of tea in the park, on the table at home for your family..etc.

Of course, you can practice alone for yourself to feel calm & peaceful!

What You Will Learn!

  • はじめての茶道では、裏千家の作法を学びつつ、気軽にお家でも楽しめるお点前を学べます。
  • How to enjoy casual Japanese tea ceremony at home?
  • お茶を通して、季節や行事をお家で楽しむ方法も提案しています。
  • How to arrange the tea ware according to the season or annual events?
  • 帛紗の扱いや、お茶碗の拭き方、お客様のご挨拶など、細かい動きも動画とテキストで学ぶことができます。
  • You can learn the detail movements and greetings by videos and texts.
  • お家で楽しむ初めての茶道で、最低限必要なお道具を知ることができます。
  • What's the necessary utensils? Where to buy them?

Who Should Attend!

  • 茶道初心者