Home Office Interior Design for More Creativity.

Workspace & Studio Tips to Unlock Creativity.

Ratings: 4.26 / 5.00


In this class you will explore the intrinsic relationship between your workspace and your creative output. Additionally, you will uncover how subtle tweaks to your environment can affect your mood, mindset, and overall work efficiency.

A short overview of each of the lessons:

"Creativity" - is about understanding how and why the design of our environment has an impact on how we feel and what are the prerequisites for more creativity. Here we are also going to discuss the concept of 'brain priming' and debunk the myth of the 'tortured artist’.

"Personalisation" The lesson underscores the value of personalising workspaces to boost creativity. It covers physical comfort, task-specific designs, and catering to psychological needs, leading to increased productivity.

“Move” This lesson highlights how the different positions of the body and moving the body influence creativity and how we might design our creative space to support that.

"Beauty" This lesson discusses an interesting study about how the aesthetics of our environment and art cultivates positivity, enhances cognition and influences creativity. It also gives examples of how to achieve a sense of beauty and how to incorporate art in the workspace.

"Open Spaces" - This lesson shows how tall ceilings and outward views stimulate creative thinking and gives examples of how we might be able to achieve that even if we live in small spaces with limited budgets.

"Take a Break" - Besides working, relaxing is one of the best mental states for creative ideas. Here we discuss the design features that support comfort and internal focus.

"The Florist" - interview with high end British florist and Netflix Show winner “The Big Flower Fight” Henk Rolling about his creative process and how his workspace supports him to do that.

"The Urban Sketch Artist" - Interview with James Richards, a talented sketch artist from Florida USA doing beautiful art all over the world. He talks about his daily sketching routine and how he designed his environment to help him do his best work.

"The Watercolour Artist" - here we talk to Elise Aabakken, a Norwegian artist living in Paris about her creative process and how she structured her space to keep her watercolour routine easy and fun.

"The Brand Strategist" - Interview with Leiry Seron, a brand identity designer living in Finland. She talks about how the light fluctuations in her country influence her work process and how her other creative hobbies inspire her work.

Enrolling in "Home Office Interior Design for More Creativity" offers an opportunity to refine your workspace, optimize your productivity, and inspire your creative journey. It equips you with practical tools to reshape your environment in alignment with your creative goals. Start this exploration today, and take a step towards a more productive and creative future.

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand the influence of workspace design on creativity and work efficiency.
  • Learn to personalize your workspace to cater to your creative needs and boost productivity.
  • Discover the impact of physical movement on creativity and how to design for it.
  • Appreciate the role of aesthetics and art in enhancing cognition and positivity.
  • Learn to incorporate 'open spaces' in your design for stimulating creative thinking.
  • Understand the importance of rest in the creative process and design features that support it.
  • Gain insights from successful creatives on how they optimize their workspace for better productivity.
  • Develop practical skills to implement changes in your workspace, promoting a more efficient and creative workflow.

Who Should Attend!

  • Artists and Creatives: Artists, writers, designers, or anyone engaged in a creative profession or hobby seeking to enhance their creative output through the design of their work environment.
  • Remote Workers: Individuals who work from home and are keen to boost their productivity and creativity by optimizing their workspace.
  • Design Enthusiasts: People interested in interior design or those wanting to understand how space design impacts cognition and creativity.
  • Productivity Seekers: Those interested in personal development, particularly in enhancing productivity and creative thinking, will find practical value in this course.