Swimming for Toddlers 12 to 24 month

Toddlers learn to swim 12 to 24 month

Ratings: 4.15 / 5.00

Swimming for Toddlers 12 to 24 month


Why do we need to start swimming lessons at such an early age? What is the best age for them to start swimming lessons? How is this supposed to work if babies can’t understand instructions? Does this help babies in their swimming education or it is just a fun time in the water? 

These are some of the questions that people always ask us.  Well first of all water is a wonderful environment for babies as they were created in very similar conditions. Babies also have limited movements on land due to a weak and developing muscular system, however they can move freely in the water, which will speed their growing process. It is also very important to understand that play is the best way for babies to learn; they love wondering around and discovering their surroundings with tasting, touching and playing. It is true that they don't understand most of the verbal instructions however they respond to conditioning and in these classes, we educate parents about how to make this happen. After many years of experience we can now agree that children who start their swimming education with babies and toddlers swimming background perform much better than those who are new to swimming. Swimmers with this background tend to have magnificent water familiarisation, buoyancy and mobility skills this means they enjoy swimming lessons much more than others with no background.

What You Will Learn!

  • Teaching Toddlers learn to swim from 12 to 24 month
  • how to be safe around the water with toddlers
  • What kind of games and activities are suitable for toddlers in the water
  • What equipment you need to have in order to maximise their learning in the water

Who Should Attend!

  • parents
  • Infant instructors
  • Swimming instructors
  • Swim School owners and coordinators
  • Interested in teaching swimming babies