How To Be a Stand Up Comedian - HowExpert

Your Step By Step Guide To Be a Stand Up Comedian

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If you want to know how to do stand up comedy, then get the "How To Be a Stand Up Comedian" course now.

You will discover simple step-by-step secrets on how to succeed at improv stand up comedy.

It is created by a real stand up comedian with real life improv experience.

Get the guide and discover how to become the funniest guy on stage!

Table of Contents

Section 1: Stand Up Comedy Secrets

Section 2: Being Funny and Performing Funny

Section 3: Being Funny Means Seeing Funny

Section 4: Surprising Twist

Section 5: Juxtaposition

Section 6: Observational Humor

Section 7: Step-by-Step Strategy

Step 1:  Generate comedy material using “that’s funny because” or “wouldn’t that be funny if.” Remember it is the “surprise” that creates comedy.

Styles of Comedy

Step 2: Match the style of comedy to your natural abilities or natural “character.”

Connecting with the Crowd

Step 3: Get the audience on your side quickly by being consistent with your “character” and your “language.”

Your Voice

Step 4: Make sure your voice is interesting (remember, a monotone done for a purpose is interesting in its own way).


Learning Timing

Step 5: Be conscious of timing in your joke delivery and study others’ timing.

Funny Physical Things

Step 6: Create one specific “look” for a specific moment in each major bit of material in your act. Practice in a mirror and note the audience reaction.



Step 7: Material is all around you. Nail down your comic “character” and then use it to react to news and situations. The result will be comedy.

The End ...or the Beginning?

What You Will Learn!

  • Stand Up Comedy
  • Stand Up Comedy Tips
  • Stand Up Comedy Basics
  • Stand Up Comedy Lessons

Who Should Attend!

  • Stand Up Comedians
  • Stand Up Comedy Enthusiasts