How to Create, Maintain, and Lead Psychologically Safe Teams

A leaders guide to cultivating a culture of psychological safety on your team.

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Welcome to "How to Create, Maintain, and Lead Psychologically Safe Teams." This course is designed to help leaders unlock the strategies to fostering a workplace where innovation thrives, collaboration soars, and individuals feel empowered to bring their best selves to work. In this course, we delve into the art and science of mastering psychological safety—an indispensable foundation for building resilient and high-performing teams.

An important part of this journey involves learning more about yourself, starting with your values, unconscious biases, and fears. In addition, this course unravels the nuances of effective and empathetic communication, highlighting the importance of ensuring every team member's voice is not only heard but genuinely valued. We navigate through the intricacies of creating an inclusive collaborative space, where diversity is not only welcomed but celebrated. As we venture further, we equip ourselves with strategies to manage conflicts with grace, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and strengthening the bonds that tie teams together.

Join us on this transformative journey where you'll gain actionable insights, real-world strategies, and the confidence to create a workplace where trust isn't just a goal—it's a thriving reality. Elevate your team's performance by eliminating toxicity and cultivating a culture of psychological safety today!

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand what psychological safety is and what it is not.
  • Understand the symbiotic relationship between psychological safety and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
  • Understand the four layers that can threaten psychological safety: self, team, organizational context, external environment.
  • Learn strategies to mitigate threats to psychological safety.
  • Learn how to create psychological safety on a team.
  • Learn how to maintain psychological safety on a team.
  • Complete the Leadership Action Plan for Psychological Safety and make commitments for actions and next steps.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for leaders struggling with toxicity on their team (tension, fear, gossip, unresolved conflict, lack of trust).
  • This course is for leaders struggling with managing a remote and/or hybrid team.
  • This course is for leaders struggling with balancing the mental health and wellness needs of their team members and the expectations of the business.
  • This course is for leaders that want to learn how to genuinely leverage the diversity of their team members.
  • This course is for leaders that want to embrace inclusivity to ensure that EVERYONE can experience a sense of belonging.
  • This course is NOT for leaders looking for quick tips or tricks. This is work is hard and will require effort and a sincere commitment.
  • This course is NOT for leaders that are not willing to change and/or take the time to learn more about themselves (values, fears, biases).